intro| dababy.

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"I'm still Lil Jon Jon, my song, it just went platinum,"
"That's crazy. Who would've thought Jonny would be on my TV? Tuh, what a small world." I say, looking over to my puppy. She looked at me clueless and shifted her attention back to the TV.

Chanel and I watched The Jimmy Fallon Show as a smooth, brown skinned man sat on a stool and rapped his song to numerous people in the audience. Sweat dripped down his face, down to his black shirt which was the only color he had on except for his shoes. He had on Jordan's that were white with black at the bottom, who were also itching to get off the stool bar. We watched as the song progressed and how much enthusiasm this chocolate man showed. His chains followed his attitude, dancing along on his chest matching his every move.

The man slightly lifts one of his silver, gleamy chains that form the letters "KIRK", rapping: "My last name K-I-R-K, you know how I rock behind my daddy."

"That boy always did love his daddy." I chuckled, looking at my dog again, as if I were waiting for a reaction. Chanel ignored me, this time, more fixated on the rapper than I am.

I needa stop talking to this damn dog, I thought to myself.

The man on the screen wasn't that special to me. At least not anymore. We had simply gone to the same high school together. I first noticed the young man when I sat in his seat during one of my classes. He was late, and the classroom was filled, leaving the only other seat was the one in the front. When he got to class, he motioned me to get up, and I waved him off, saying "This not yo' seat. It doesn't have yo name on it." What usually would've been an argument between him and someone else was a smile that was shared between us two.  

After that, no, we weren't best friends, but we were the first person the other looked ay when having to 'work with a partner'. We would work together often as we had multiple classes together throughout the 4 years. That is, of course, whenever Jon Jon decided to come to school. He missed many days, from what I remember, for reasons he wouldn't say. I figured it had to do with him getting in trouble with the law, as it was no secret Jon Jon never missed an opportunity to make money. Whether it was illegal or legal. However, when he did come to school, he made the work look easy as he would finish all his assignments on time and, sometimes, even before the day it was due.

My phone rings, waking me up from my daydream. I flip it over to see my best friend, Kendra, who was also in town as she had to take care of some business of her own.

"Hey, girl." I greet, placing the phone to my ear.

"Sis, get dressed right now; I'm taking you out." she said.

"Kendra, what? It's like 10 o'clock, what function could be getting into at 10 at night?" I asked, knitting my eyebrows, prepared to dismiss any thought that she had coming out of her mouth.

"Girl, tell me why I just got us into the 40/40 club. It might be 10 but the party just getting started," She exclaimed.

"The 40/40 who?"

"Bitch, the 40/40 club. It's like the littest club in New York City. It's where every rapper, singer and everyone else that's making big dope dealea money stop by whenever they want to have a good time in NY. I don't know about you but I'm ready to find me a rich nigga. Okay? A Rich nigga, 8 figure that's my type. AHHH-" she began singing.

"I don't know about all that." I cut her off. "This my first night in the city and I'm not sure if I want to spend it partying. I literally just clocked in my hotel not too long ago."

"Okay and?  Girl what else do you have to do?? And don't say work because it's a Friday night and I know you don't have any meetings until tomorrow afternoon. "

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