Chapter seven

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There is excitement roaring through the cell block. Tonight is the night of the brawl. Once a month we allow the inmates to let off some steam. This is just a cover up, in reality the members of The Guard pin prisoners against one another for their own amusement.

When I first came here, I thought it was wrong. Making the wolves fight one another and place bets on who will win. However, tonight was different. Tonight was about torture.

The brawl consists of any inmate that wants to enter, or who is entered in by a guard who has a vendetta against an inmate. I made sure Rylan entered Julian and I took the privilege of entering the alpha.

Since the stunt he pulled last night I decided to get a little payback and make him suffer extra good tonight. As the moon is full tonight, all werewolves have increased senses and strengths.

The brawl was first created accidentally, when inmates escaped their cells and began to fight with each other. As guards found the battles amusing they decided to make it a monthly treat.

Whoever wins the brawl gets a special treat. This includes a hot shower with smelling soaps and a hot cooked meal. They also get the option to visit with a lover, or if they do not have one, they get to spend the night on a real mattress.

As of now, the undefeated champion of the Brawl is a rogue that goes by the name of Tyler.

They say he is filled with so much rage because his mate chose a vampire over him. After that he went mad and began to infiltrate any vampire town he ran into.

Naturally the Pioneer Pack captured him and locked him deep below. He has won the Brawl for six months now and looks forward to spending the night bathed in his silky sheet and comfy mattress.

"So, who are you betting on?" I hear Amber say with a mouthful of popcorn. Her hair has been released from her pony tail and the zipper of her armor is pulled down to her chest.

The Guard members get to sit at the top of the cage fighting ring. Held safe in an unbreakable glass box. This holds the higher members of the guard. The less fortunate are stuck on guard duty around the perimeter of the large room.

The gymnasium is dimly lit by yellow lights on the ceiling. In the crowd is a swarm of inmates, roaring for the battles to begin.

Of course, each one of them is chained at their hands and feet to the floor. But everybody recognizes the Brawl as a game night.

Excited chants float through the room as I struggle to hear Amber's muffled words.

"Julian definitely." I grin at her. Her eyes widen since I have chosen to root for someone other than Tyler, considering he has crushed skulls for so long.

When she tilts her head at me, I remind her of the fight in the mess hall.

"I think he can really take Tyler this time." I nudge her shoulder jokingly, "Maybe we will have a new top dog."

"Fifty bucks you're wrong." Rylan cuts in, leaning down from his chair above up, his head popping in the middle of mine and Amber's.

"You're on!" I shake his hand aggressively. I know Julian is going to win. He has a different kind of anger. He is like a bomb, once you light him up, its game over.

I stand up from my chair, going to the microphone. It is time to announce our first challengers.

The Brawl goes from weakest entered to the strongest. The winner of each round competes another level up until they face the final round: against the winner of last month.

"Welcome.. to The Brawl." My voice booms on the microphone, echoing through the gymnasium deep underground. All of the vicious wolves howl with excitement.

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