Chapter forty two

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"So my brother is alive?" Zane roars out, the windows trembling from his horrifying sounds. 

I told him everything. I told him about meeting Cole. How Cole had helped me escape, visited me in my pack, and helped Jax capture me. How Jax threatened me in order to get me to poison Zane. He threatened Aiden. 

This only angered Zane further. I watched as every word I spoke angered him further. The rage inside him built up until he was about to explode.

The storm continues to carry on outside, producing claps of thunder and bolts of lightning directly overhead. 

I swallow hard, giving him a small hesitant nod. His face fills with an emotion that is quickly masked. I can't imagine how he must feel knowing his brother is still alive; knowing his brother wants him dead. 

"He said he will be here in a week, to reclaim the pack." I whisper out, staring straight forward. 

Zane continues pacing slowly in front of me, finger on the tip of his chin as he thinks. His hair is still soaking wet, dripping small droplets down onto the plush rug under his feet. I can see the steam basically radiating off of him as his anger boils inside him. 

"Of course the bastard found some way to survive!" he growls out, balling his fists at his side. 

"Zane he doesn't know you're dead! I was supposed to kill you!" I murmur out, rubbing my eyes. At this point I am hardly fazed by his anger, more like annoyed. 

Zane pauses at my words, cocking his head to the side. A small glimmer of light sparks into his eyes. "Then when he returns, I will kill him." He states out prominently. 

My lips part at his words as I sit up a little straighter. 

"Kill him?"

His dark eyes turn to meet mine, nothing but cold ice is inside them. "Yes, kill him." He replies blankly. "He won't stop until I am dead. He will reclaim the pack, kill me, and cause a war. He doesn't deserve to be alpha." He hisses out as if his words could kill Jax themselves. 

"And what about Cole?" I narrow my eyes, thinking of the back-stabber. 

Zane takes a few small steps towards me, grabbing both of my hands in his own. His touch is warm and inviting, igniting my fingertips with sparks. 

"If he tries to lay a finger on you, I will kill him too." His words are soft and genuine. 

Butterflies ball in the pit of my stomach, begging for more of his touch. 

"Or we could just get out of here!" I stand up abruptly, breaking contact, "We could leave this pack, then you wouldn't have to die!" I exclaim. 

He scoffs, "So just abandon my pack? Set war on the other packs?" He retorts, stepping closer to me, "What kind of Alpha do you think I am? A coward?" His voice raises as the rage fills his words. 

"Jax could kill you! If he finds out you're alive he could come here and kill you in the night and then what? He still wins!" I bark back. 

He grabs my shoulders roughly, pulling me closer to him, "He's not going to win. I can take him. I will kill him." He says in a reassuring tone, his words going quieter. 

I let out a small sigh, looking past him. 

"I don't want you to die." I whisper to his shoulder. He gently places a slender finger on the bottom of my chin, bringing it up so that my eyes are forced to meet his. 

"I wont." he promises, "We have a week to prepare."

I bite my lip, nodding my head up and down. 

He finally releases me, letting me sit back down on the couch. He walks off into the other room. I sit there blankly, staring into the small fireplace. The fire crackles quietly in the dark room. The flames warm my numb skin, the heat reminding me of my exhaustion. 

He returns with a blanket, which he drapes over my shoulders. I pull the soft material closer to my chest, my eyes not leaving the fire. 

"You should get some rest." He says, his tone low. 

I shake my head, "I don't know if I can sleep in my room tonight." I close my eyes, swallowing hard. My mind drifts back to the dream I had of Cole. How Jax stole me away in the night and tortured me. 

I feel the couch indent as Zane sits down next to me. I open my eyes, looking over to him. The corner of his lips quirks up in a half-smile as he wraps his arm around my shoulders. I fall into his chest, pulling my legs up onto the couch with me. 

"I will stay here as long as you need me." he murmurs into my hair.

I let out a small sigh, cuddling further into his chest. I focus on his breathing, feeling his chest rise and fall slowly. His heart beats at a steady pace, calming my nerves. 

We lay in silence for a long time, watching the fire blaze. It must have been at least an hour until sleep overtook me.

The sunlight finally peeled my eyes open, causing me to stretch out. I sat up, looking around to see that Zane was gone.

Leave me a comment! 
Also: Sorry for the late update!!!

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