Chapter seventeen

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Saying no to the murderous look in his eyes seemed like a bad idea. Plus, free shower. Who could pass that up? The small girl who usually brought me my meals had come and escorted me to a bedroom to prepare me.

The room was large, but not too big. It had a beautiful baby blue bedspread with white pillows decorated with daises.

The girl instructed me to shower and then she will be back to dress me.

Still studying the room, I notice the tall ceilings and elephant grey walls decorated with pictures. This room looks like it belonged to a teenage girl.

The photos were of friends and families. The girl who this room belonged to had long dark hair, like mine. Only she had piercing blue eyes that blazed into the camera lens.

On the dresser was a Polaroid camera and a few books. Everything in this room was dusty as if nobody had lived in here for years. The camera was black with a small strip of rainbow at the top of it.

Next to the camera was a framed photograph covered in thick dust. I picked it up carefully, using my finger to swipe away at the glass. I saw the girl's face, she was smiling just like all the other pictures.

Using the back of my hand, I dust off the rest of the picture to see who else was in the photo. Dark brown eyes met mine and the picture went crashing to the ground, shattering on impact.

I shake my head and run to the bathroom. Starting the shower, I strip down and jump in. The bathroom immediately fogs up.

I know who that girl was. I knew the second I saw the photo. It was Zane's mate.

I let the hot water trail down my body, taking particles of collected dirt with it.

Zane had found his mate young, sixteen. They rejoiced in the pack that he had found her. Zane grew up angry and troubled, so his parents had hoped he would soften in the presence of his mate. But one night, he became so enraged.... he killed her.

I shutter at the thought as I grab a plain glass bottle labeled shampoo. Lathering my hair felt so nice. Being rid of the dirt and blood.

The water is calming, ridding my head of the terrors of the girl's face.

Her name was Ellie, she was bright and radiated sunshine through the pack. Her death was covered up as an accident, but everybody knew the truth: he was a monster.

Suddenly I am having second thoughts about attending this party with him. Why would he want to take me with him? Is this some sick game?

Should I shave?

I pick up the razor, examining the brand new blades. I might as well shave now, who knows if I will get to later.

The body wash smells like roses, as if they were freshly plucked from the ground and placed into the bottle. The razor glides across my skin, tearing down the forest of hair.

Maybe at this event I can find a way to escape, get back to my pack. I know he is not Alpha yet, maybe I can find an ally.

Shutting off the water, I step out of the shower and wrap a white towel around myself. I wipe at the fog that has clung on the mirror and see my reflection.

I look like I was hit by a car. Or maybe my boyfriend dumped me and I spent the whole night crying in the club.

Days old mascara runs trails down my face making me look like a creature from a horror movie. I have a small bruise above my left eyebrow from who knows what. Bags pull my eyes down. My shoulder has healed, only a small red mark in it's place.

Finally getting a chance to glance around at the bathroom I feel the blue square tiles beneath my feet. A small plush rug is next to the toilet. The vanity is big, a huge mirror with a long bar light above it.

I open the door back to the bedroom and am met with small blue eyes. The girl who brings me my food stands at the door holding a hair brush.

"Oh hey" I mutter out, suddenly realizing I am in a towel soaking wet. I clutch the clot closer to my chest.

"You can call me Evangeline." Her words are quiet, hard to hear.

She steps out of my way, letting me back into Ellie's room. I turn back around to see her following me. She stops abruptly, looking at me confused.

"Sit on the chair, please."

I walk over to the other side of the room and sit on a small wooden chair in front of a desk. The desk has a mirror on top of it, freshly cleaned. I guess she did that while I was bathing.

She reaches over me and slips a switch on the table, illuminating the mirror. White Christmas lights around the mirror twinkle, letting me see each and every pore on my face.

Evangeline brushes my knotted hair, blow dries it, then curls it delicately. She then wipes the dry makeup off of my face and begins applying a fresh layer. Soft brown eye shadow creates a smokey eye. She adds several layers of mascara. She even contours my features.

It is an hour of me sitting silently, in a towel, waiting for her to make me presentable.

Once she is done, I hardly recognize the woman staring at me in the mirror. I look alive again. The bags under my eyes have been concealed. My cheekbones have been highlighted, and my eyebrows are now arched high.

If Aiden could see me now.

Evangeline stands me up and walks me to the middle of the room and instructs me to stand on a small stool.

She takes measurements, or tries to. I keep my arms clutching onto the damp towel.

Rolling her eyes she finally admits defeat and leaves the room for a few moments. I can' help but stare at myself in the mirror. I feel pretty.

She finally returns with a dress. Making her turn her back, I step into the dress and zip up the back.

The dress is an emerald green to match my eyes. It has a bejeweled bodice and the skirt flows down gracefully to just above my knees. The sleeves are small straps, decorated with the same jewels as the front.

Evangeline gives me a nod of approval and then presents some silver heels to go with the dress. The strap around my ankles. The backs of the heels match the dress.

I wonder who picked this all out?

"It's time." She finally says.

"Is Zane escorting me?" I question, brushing my hair behind my shoulder.

"He will be there, yes, but he will not be escorting you." She states out blankly.

I mentally frown. He invites me, makes me dress up, but wont even take me himself?

Evangeline reaches a hand out to me. I guess she is taking me. I scoff and grab her hand as she leads me out of Ellie's room.

Thank y'all for reading! I looked the other day and ranked #2 in Paranormal! How exciting! Thank y'all for the support! As for updates:

Tuesdays and Saturdays I will not be updating. (Weird days but that's just how my schedule works out).

I update at night because that is when I have my best thoughts and writing time, so usually between (10pm-2am) CST since I am from Texas.

Also, if any of y'all want to submit any book banners or covers for me that would be greatly appreciated. Email:

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