Chapter 2: Life Wasn't Right

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Fear of Isaac held me captive all day at school as I constantly looked over my shoulder, waiting for him to find me and cause a scene. But he was MIA, which caused my anxiety to soar.

My phone buzzed with a message saying my summer job had accepted my leave until next summer. They took my request so easily; it made me believe that maybe it wasn't too hard to voice my opinions.

I stuffed my phone away as a high-pitched voice rang out from behind me. It caused me to jump as I spun to face my best friend, Zoe.

"Come on, Isla, just join us!" Zoe said as her curly brown hair bounced from side to side. For her small frame and killer fashion sense, you wouldn't think she was such a tomboy. But I was one of few that knew she loved running around until her knees were skinned.

Even though I already told her no, she wouldn't take it as an answer. "You know, I don't skateboard anymore."

"Please! I don't want to be alone. Besides, I know you like to watch." she said with a small smile.

Zoe and I hadn't hung out in almost a month. Summer was busy for both of us. But now with work over, it was my turn to take a 'me day'.

Skateboarding was not the first thing on my list of things I wanted to do. In fact, it was probably the last thing on my list. Just the thought caused my lungs to tighten. But the thought of Zoe's panicked tear-stained face from one of my breakdowns a few months ago was enough to convince me.

Maybe it would be beneficial for the both of us if I just went. I could at least fake it for an hour, couldn't I?

"Fine, let's go," I sighed, slamming my locker door shut.

She cheered, then hugged me tightly.

Her boyfriend, Camden, was waiting for us as we made our way to the car. I held back a frown as I glared at the back of his styled hair. I should have known he would come. "Hey Camden," I muttered as I took a seat in the back of her car.

"Hey Isla." He stared at his phone as if there was anything he would rather do than talk to me. The only reason we tried to communicate was because we had Zoe in common.

"So, you have the map to the park, right, Cam?" Zoe asked as she turned the car on, allowing some pop music to play at full volume.

It was upbeat and exciting, but at the same time, boring. There was no dimension to the song that the man sang, causing me to cringe the longer I listened to it.

"Sure do, babe. Turn right after the parking lot."

She nodded as she followed his commands.

Seconds passed until I couldn't block out the terrible song any longer. "Can we change the music?"

Zoe laughed as she got onto the main road. "You don't like Kit?"

I didn't even know who Kit was. "Is this him singing?"

Zoe and I had been friends since grade school, and we had been through a lot together. However, Zoe would never understand my music taste. There was no one living that could understand it.

She quickly changed to a channel, bringing a smile to my face as an alternative song popped onto the radio. "Better?" she chuckled as she got onto the freeway, driving downtown.

At least this song didn't make me want to gag.

"You know Isla, maybe some pop music would do you some good. Who knows, maybe it could get you more friends," Camden mentioned casually.

My cheeks turned hot. That was a low blow, even for him. It was such a shame the people were so quick to judge based on one's music taste.

"Camden, that was rude," Zoe snapped.

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