Chapter 14: Didn't Want To Be His Friend

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As we drove into the garage of Miles' apartment the next day, all I could think about was how I didn't want this trip to end. The songs Miles sang in the concert still rang in my mind like a pleasant echo. I spent all night dancing until my feet hurt.

I forced myself not to linger on what Roger said or the text I read from Izzy but throughout the trip, their words bounced around in my mind, making me wonder when all this magic would end. This weekend was more fun than I had in a long time, and it saddened me that it could end as quickly as this all started.

As we pulled into his garage, a small lump formed in my throat as I knew that I wasn't his and this weekend trip was for friends only. Once I stepped from the car, I knew that whatever touch or words shared between us would evaporate.

Silently, Miles looked at me with a frown. I wondered if he was thinking the same thing I was. Neither of us wanted this weekend to end just yet.

With a sigh, Miles got out of the car. "After that long drive, I'm happy to be home." Although he didn't sound happy about it.

Soon we found ourselves standing in front of Miles' apartment. My eyes fell on his lips, but I quickly looked away, not giving myself the chance to swim in the possibilities that maybe he cared for me the same way I did about him. This was where I said goodbye, but I didn't want to. I sighed, hoping that where would be something that would force me to stay.

"Want to come in?" he asked as the door opened.

Even though I should go home, his words tempted me, and his white smile and dark green eyes melted my soul. For another moment, I wanted to have one more selfish moment before reality hit. "Sure, I can stay for a little," I said and followed him into the apartment.

"Want something to drink?" he asked as he started walking to his liquor shelf.

I shook my head. "No thanks."

He nodded as he walked back to me, leaving the cup untouched on the counter. He closed the gap between us, then brushed some of my hair from my face, tucking it carefully behind my ear. "After these concerts, I often let myself swim in the deep dark end of my thoughts, but with you, I find it impossible."

He was so close to me I could almost taste him. My heart raced as he leaned closer as if testing the waters. He then pulled me in closer and kissed me lightly and almost instantly, he pulled back to meet my eyes, reading what I would do next.

My heart practically stopped. My world stopped. I could still feel him on my lips as I stared back at him. Did he actually want this like I wanted him? Or was this something he thought it fun to do?

"I've been wanting to do that for a while. I have feelings for you, Isla, and I hope you have the same for me."

I melted as I grabbed his hands. This was the moment I was waiting for, confirmation. He was falling for me, too. The doubt about the Izzy text flew from my mind as I pulled him in again, not wanting the moment to fizzle like flat soda.

Carefully I brushed over his lips until we were wrapped up in each other. I let him take over my mind, letting all other thoughts jump off a cliff. The Izzy text didn't matter, my history project didn't matter, the rumors about me at school didn't matter. All that mattered was that I wanted him, Miles Kit Keen, and it was clear to me he wanted me too.

He deepened the kiss and we stumbled to the couch. Although we didn't break for air as we continued to kiss.

I didn't want to be his friend anymore. I wanted to be his. Only his.

Breaking us from our moment was a buzz from my phone. I pulled out of the kiss, out of breath, and saw a reminder to pick up Everly from cheer practice in 15 minutes. And just like that, all my responsibilities flew back into my mind like a boomerang. I didn't want to leave but I had to. "I have to go."

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