Chapter 19

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     He looked down the dark abyss of a tunnel. The weightlessness of his body was a weakening sensation. He was a bodiless figure stationed in one place only. 

     There was a deep, thunderous growling some feet ahead of him. A sound which put trembling into his hollow bones. A note which carried for the purpose of delivering primal violence. 

     The drumming of the animalistic calling reached an endless crescendo. Let me out! This creature commanded. It was not something clearly said, but something foolish to not understand. 

     His eyes searched for this great beast, knew it was caged, yet could not find the outline of its assumedly terrifying body. "I can't. You don't understand! Killing innocents isn't something I can ever willingly allow! You've killed too many!" Rouhem felt the anger and frustration with his curse which could never be escaped. "I just can't!" 

     The roaring worsened, along with banging against whatever confinements kept him in place. Release me! The creature howled at the top of its lungs. Rouhem's ears fractured at the piercing bellow. He nearly crumbled under the pressure. 

     "No!" Rouhem roared back with all of his might. "I hold the power! I am in control!" 

     He was dumbfounded when the beast quieted, leaving a sickening silence to fester between them.

     Not for long, the creature whispered. Rouhem hated that he too had the same thought run through his mind. 

     "Hey, Prince!" a curious voice ripped Rouhem from the odd vision. There Leon was in front of him, neat and chaotic. 

     Rouhem cleared his throated and looked around. He was still in front of the punching bag he was using as practice. So now he was having blackouts? His fear spiked. "Is everything, okay?"

     Leon frowned, furrowing his well-kept eyebrows. "I was just about to ask you the same thing," he conceded to Rouhem's confusion, "one second, you were beating the literal shit out this poor guy, and then it was like someone pressed your power button. Please don't tell me you are a robot." 

     "Sleep has escaped me," Rouhem answered with truth, "it's a habit I've yet to tackle." 

     Leon wrapped his arm around the punching bag. "I myself am a man which addresses one problem at a time. Multi-tasking is for women. Us men aren't as efficient." 

     Rouhem grinned. "Yes, which is why we are so unworthy of females. They are gods and we are mere peasants. It is a shame we convinced the universe that we are in charge."

     Leon burst out with laughter. "Moms, they sure know how to treat us boys with dignity. Mama taught me how to be a feminist before my ABC's!" 

     Rouhem couldn't disagree. "Gender equality isn't as big of an injustice back home. Women are held with higher regard if anything else."

     "A perfect civilization then!" Leon chuckled. "Wherever you are from, will you please take my Ma so she will be able to kick the bucket in peace?"

     "Of course," Rouhem answered, agreeing that Aine would enjoy his culture. "I think your entire family would enjoy my home, actually."

     Leon briefly checked to make sure his clothes were straightened. "Is that so? Where are you from?" 

     Rouhem didn't care if they were informed on his identity, but it appeared Inferno did. "Glamour." 

     "Really?" his eyes lit up with interest, "which kingdom?" 

     He couldn't restrain his own pride. "Animal Kingdom." Oh how he yearned to breathe in the clean air of his home. Human Earth was polluted in ways that should not have been possible. 

     "Man!" he yelled in excitement, "me and my siblings have been dying to go there! Animal Kingdom lives right if you ask me. Wild. Unrestrained. Vibrant. The stories I hear outta that place are legendary. Shit, even their royalty party like frat boys!" 

     Rouhem kept his face as neutral as possible, though he couldn't speak of his success. "Oh, really? You think so?" 

     "Sure," Leon explained, "I mean, if even their princes can exist without sticks up their asses, the place is definitely worth visiting! We were actually going to travel there a few months back, but we got news of a brewing war with Might Empire and decided to go to Panama instead. We never looked too deeply into it, but you gotta know what is happening these days, right?" 

     Rouhem thought back to everything that had happened. "War did break out, though only fought between a small number of powerful beings. The new kings of Animal Kingdom and Might Empire are allies now. The lands are at peace, and hopefully permenantly."

     Leon's expression was one of surprise. "I'm gonna admit I was expecting an answer much more gruesome. Glad to hear someone clearly got smacked by some sense and decided to spread it. God knows everyone in this universe needs a little more! Hey! Maybe you can give me and my bros a personal tour of Soul, I hear it is one of the most beautiful cities?" 

     Rouhem chuckled at how easily it was for Leon to address him. "I am sure Prince Rouhem himself would be more than happy to offer a tour."

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