Chapter 40

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    She had never been this exhausted and determined in her life. They had gotten off their vehicles about half an hour ago, but her legs were wobbly, flinching in front of the next several hours before they would reach their final destination.

    Inferno looked over at Rouhem. He was carrying her bag as well as his, even after she had threatened his life numerous of times if he didn't let her drag it along on her own. But if she were to be honest, she had a hard enough time carrying her own body up right, let alone the big ass pack.

    The freezing cold air didn't help the pain in her back like she hoped it would. Nothing did anymore, not even a bottle of whiskey.

    Everyone was walking behind them, and she knew it was so that she could set the pace. "It'll be dark soon," she commented, trying to make it sound like she wasn't gradually losing her breath.

    Rouhem nodded. "I was hoping we wouldn't, but we probably need to find a camp site soon." He said it loud enough so the rest could hear.

    Inferno hid her relief by continuing to look forward, marching like she was ready to go another thousand miles. Of course, it was a lie.

    She just hoped they found a camping site soon enough.



    They all sat around the fire. It was brighter than she expected.

    "You sure you're not hungry?" Rouhem inquired once more. Inferno just kept looking at the fire. She couldn't handle that concerned gaze of his.

    "I already told that peanut brain of yours, I'm not hungry," she gritted out from a lightly clenched jaw. She knew that food would most likely help with increasing her energy, but she had a feeling it would come up quicker than it went down.

    "Is there anything we can do?" Aine spoke up. Her parents were settled across from her.

    Inferno tensed, and she couldn't help it either. She took a breath and stopped herself before she could snap. "No, I think we've already established that."

    "I think it'd be best if we all call it a night," Micah spoke up with his smooth voice, "I don't know about the rest of you pero I am muy cansado." She didn't miss the way he seemed to be silently saying something to Rouhem. Her own eyes narrowed in distrust when Rouhem gave a little nod in return.

    "He's right, boys," Jameson spoke up, putting his hands on his knees before standing to his full height. "The quicker we get to sleep, the sooner we can meet this man tomorrow."

    "Good point!" Kittrix exclaimed, "I'm freezing my ass off over here anyway! The tent's calling my name."

    Inferno waited for all of them to retreat until it was just the two of them. The exhaustion had long settled into her.


    She looked up and nearly shot at his hand as it was reaching out for her. "I can do it!" She hissed, narrowly avoiding his attempt.

    "Inferno," he repeated again, and the sincerity of his tone forced her attention solely onto him. "We're a team. Teammates help each other. Let me help you, please."

    She sighed and felt defeated as much as she was warmed by his words. Inferno took a hold of his hand. He pulled her up without effort. She relaxed into him when he wrapped his arm around her and guided her to their tent. "This would be the perfect time to shank you," she muttered as they got to the opening. "What ever happened to our little game? The one where I get to shoot you?"

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