Chapter 39

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    His heart was broken, and it wasn't because of what he thought would cause this pain.

    The horrifying abuse and assault that she had to endure hurt him like nothing else. The way she braced for him to reject her or rebuke her in some way gave him the answers he had always been searching for.

    He refused to be another scar in her collection. No matter how much she may have felt for him, there would always be a fear that was ingrained in her DNA. Rouhem was determined to prove her wrong again and again. He'd prove her wrong for the rest of their lives.

    She was sleeping in his arms again. He forced himself to hold her with just enough strength. Any more and she would most likely be crushed. But as she barely shifted in any way, he assumed that she didn't mind.

    And now she knew his truth. Rouhem, like he always did, had handicapped himself by keeping the truth from Inferno. Everything was out in the open, and he felt like they were truly looking at one another for the first time since they've met.

    He also felt that they were immensely close to a solution, and after they find a way to keep Inferno alive, he would work his damnedest in convincing her that he was the man for her.

    "We have to climb that big ass mountain?" Kittrix groaned as they all gathered in Jameson and Aine's cabin. Everyone was dressed for the weather. Rouhem didn't need as many layers. He was naturally built to feel like a four hundred degree oven.

    "He doesn't come down, ever," Aine answered. "We have to go to him."

    "How to we even know this guy is real?" Ira questioned with suspicion in his eyes. "Talks of the 'Vitality Man' has always been a myth."

    Inferno looked up at Rouhem with furrowed brows. "He's apparently an immortal who has powerful gifts. It is said that not even death can challenge him," he answered lowly.

    "Well, obviously there's always a little truth to every myth," Inferno spoke up, "let's get this ball rolling. I'd like to be alive when we reach this mysterious guy." He grunted at her poor choice of words. He had never met a person who was so incredibly sick find constant humor in their situation. Although, his surprise was not warranted, Inferno was known for her wicked tongue.

    They stepped outside into the cold. Rouhem eyed the five snowmobiles with unease.

    "We can ride these for about four hours," Jameson told them, pointing at the vehicles. "After that, it'll be a trek."

    "Kittrix" Ira hollered as he hunkered toward them. "You're with me, you're the skinniest!" The vehicle sunk downward under his weight. While he was not taller than the prince, Rouhem had a feeling that he weighed more.

    "You're telling me I gotta deal with his monster dick squished against my butt? That's just creepy man," Kittrix muttered, stomping after his brother. While he was in no way scrawny, he did have a leaner build compared to him.

    "You could always get squished by my monster dick, loverboy," Micah responded, with the ever quiet Jones by his side. The threat there put a little pep in Kittrix's step as he joined his giant of a brother. Rouhem thought back to what Inferno had said at the dinner table and would be lying if he said he wasn't a little curious about what she saw on the tapes.

    Rouhem got on first, looking to Inferno. He did his best to ignore how incredibly exhausted she was. Instead, he chose to focus on the way the morning light hit her crystal eyes just right and the way her angelic face hid so many secrets and mysteries. He slapped his thigh and sent a mischievous grin her way. "Let's do this pixie."

    Her gaze narrowed, but she was quick in sitting between his legs. He didn't understand her game until he felt her firmness pressing straight into his crotch. He couldn't stop himself as he visibly jolted. "What the fuck are you doing?" He hissed as quietly as he could so the others couldn't hear.

    She looked back at him and the evil gleam there scared the hell out of him as much as it excited him. "Just getting comfortable, everything okay?" The facade of innocence she attempted to adopt barely concealed the satisfaction she felt.

    Two could play at the game.

    "Yes. Why wouldn't it be?" He responded casually. He pulled her as flush to his body as possible. His hands glided up her thighs, skimming with a teasing touch before they settled across her waist. "I'm just getting comfortable too."

    Inferno laughed. The genuine sound of it warmed Rouhem. "And this whole time I thought I was the cat."

    "Just because you're a cat, it doesn't mean I'm the mouse."

    "Rouhem, when have you ever heard of a game of 'Cat&Cat'?" Everyone turned their engines on.

    "What can I say? I've never has a taste for rodents."

    "Yeah, well," she muttered as she started her engine, "me neither." Rouhem couldn't help but smirk.


    The air became colder the higher they went. The snow became deeper. They delved farther into the winter wonderland view, with only the sounds of their roaring vehicles and the wind swiping by.

    After a few hours, he could sense that her exhaustion was setting in again. It was like a venom seeping from her skin and onto his, leaving a sleepless feeling over him.

    To spare her from what he knew would be an embarrassment, he asked if they could take a break, because he was tired.

    It was quiet as everyone shut off their engines.

    "Piss break!" Ira shouted, hurtling his way toward a cover of trees. The males except for Rouhem were close behind.

    Inferno spun around on him. "Don't think I don't know what you're up to," she hissed.

    Rouhem sighed. There was no pleasing this woman! He decided to act innocent. "What? A man can't be tired?"

    She scowled. "Fuck off. You're in peak condition. I don't need any favors from-"

    "Inferno! Stop that right now. I'm not going to keep doing this with you," he took a hold of her, making sure he was looking straight into those glowing eyes. "We're here for one thing, and that is to stop you from dying. You need all the energy you can get right now, and I will do anything I can to make sure you get it, you understand?"

    Rouhem was completely caught off guard when she took a hold of his chin and smacked a loud kiss on his lips. She smiled against him before looking up at him with teasing eyes. "That was very sexy."

    He huffed out a breath and immediately sought the feeling of her hips. "I was not expecting that, but maybe you finally understand now that I'm here for you and no one else."

    She was quiet for a little while. "I do," she finally replied. "Thanks, Rouhem. I may be an asshole, but... I don't know what the fuck I'm saying, but, just thanks, okay?"

    Rouhem couldn't hide his shock. He nodded. "You're not softening on me, now, are ya'?"

    She grinned. Apparently that was the right thing to say.  "Why don't you come over here and find out, big boy?"

    He choked on the air in his throat.


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