chapter thirteen

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Jialia's POV

After class was over, I went straight to work with Yuyan. A couple hours has passed when I got a notification on my phone which distracts me from cleaning up the table. I leave the wet rag on the table, drying my hand on my apron before grabbing my phone from my butt pocket to see a text notification from Lufeng.

Text from Lufeng: Hey, it's Lufeng! Let's hangout later. Text me back."

"How did he get my number?" I quietly ask myself. "Did Yuyan give it to him?"

I slide my phone back into my back pocket so I can quickly wipe the table down and dry it with a new rag.

"Did you give Lufeng my number?" I ask Yuyan as soon as I'm finish with washing the tables and placing the buckets in the sink.

"No. Why?" Yuyan asks as she makes her order.

"He has my phone number. Are you sure you didn't give it to him?" I ask once again.

"No. Why would I give Lufeng your number? He doesn't talk to me, I don't talk to him." Yuyan says then heads off with her finished drink.

Did someone give him my number? I scratch my head in confusion.

Xiaojun's POV

Since early in the morning, my parents, Chunhua and I have been out. We've been to the beaches, taking pictures, restaurants, bakeries, malls, outlets, etc... I'm very tired. We arrive at a restaurant. Our 3rd restaurant of the day. My parents does not know the words "full." I'm still full from eating a big brunch earlier today.

The waiter takes us to our table. Arriving at our table, Chunhua enters into a seat which makes me hesitate to enter into a different seat. My mom pushes me towards the same seat as Chunhua which I stop myself. I look at my mom and sigh. She eyes me to sit next to Chunhua. I sigh again and force myself to sit next to her. I don't want my mom to cause a big scene.

My parents sit across from us. We order our food. I didn't order much since I'm still full. My phone rings. I check to see it's a call from Ten.

"Excuse me." I say then quickly excuse myself from the table.

I rush outside. "Why did you guys call me so late? Do you know what time it is? It's almost 3pm and you guys aren't here yet. Where are you guys?"

"We were also busy having fun. Anyways, where are you?" Ten asks.

"What did you just ask? You guys don't know where I'm at? I'm at the restaurant I sent you guys in the chat!" I disappointedly say.

Gosh, what am I gonna do with the three of them?

"Calm down. We're in front of you! Are you blind? Can you not see?" Ten says.

"Where?" I say, looking around. I see them at the entrance of the restaurant sitting on the stone arch.

Ten, Hendery and YangYang waves their hands. I end the call. They all rush towards me.

"I really thought you all abandoned me alone to be with Chunhua." I sadly say as soon as they all arrive to me.

"At first..... we were going to leave you with Chunhua.......but Hendery was able to change our minds." YangYang says.

"You have no idea how stubborn these two are when coming to an agreement." Hendery says with both hands on his hips.

"Anyways, what should we do?" Ten asks licking his ice cream.

"Well.... since you guys are here, let's hang out. I'm tired of eating food. I'm still full from eating brunch." I say. "Let me to say goodbye to my parents first."

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