chapter twenty eight

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Jialia's POV

I pick up all 3 of the test. They are all positive. So... that means I am pregnant. I hear the door open. I quickly put them in the sink and rush to the door to see Xiaojun almost entering the bathroom.

"Hey, hey hey!" I say as I push him back towards the door as I try not to panic. "Don't you know how to knock? What if I was naked?"

"What's there to hide?" Xiaojun smirks. I smack him which makes him retreat more out of the bathroom. I shut the door in front of him and lock it.

I breathe in then out. Thank god, I don't think he seen anything. I need to go to the hospital for a check up. If I am really pregnant, I will tell him. If I'm not, I'm going to act as if this never happened. I put the 3 pregnancy test in one box also putting the other boxes in my bag. I gently open the door and scan to see if he is still here. I see coast clear. I exit the bathroom then my closet to encounter him sitting on my bed.

"Where are you going?" Xiaojun asks as he gets up from the bed and walks closer to me, holding my hand.

"I-I-I'm going to back to school. I left my textbook in the class." I lie. I hate lying to him. I already regret lying to him.

"Can I come?" He asks then smiles. His smile... I always give in. But not this time, knowing that I am giving in.

I hesitate. "The school is not that far. I'll come back quickly."

"I want to spend time with you before you go to work." He sulks.

"I promise to come back as soon as possible before I go to work. If I don't come back and somewhat go straight to work without visiting you first, I'll do anything you ask me." I say then quickly smile.

I should have not said that. I really want to hit myself.

"You promise." He takes out his pinky finger.

I link my pinky finger with his and locked them. I said my goodbyes to Jian. I rush out of the house and catch a cab. Off I go to the hospital.


I'm waiting for my results. I'm really anxious. If I am pregnant, I have to find a way to break it to him. He's an idol. He will get much hate from his fans and the public. I'm sure his fans would mostly be shock. Out of the blue Xiaojun suddenly has a child and maybe another one coming. I don't want to ruin his career.

The nurse calls my name. I enter the doctor's office with my hands together tightly. I sit down as instructed as soon as I enter the office.

"From your test results. I would like to congratulate you for being a mother." The doctor announces with a smile. "You are 2 week pregnant."

Tears starts to form. I don't know if it's from happiness or what it is. I touch my belly. I know that I can't feel the child yet. I quickly wipe my tears and smile. I am really pregnant with him.

"I will provide you some medicine to help you and the baby be healthy and safe." The doctor says.

I smile. "Thank you."

Picking up my medications. I exit the hospital. How am I going to tell him the news and his parents. How am I gonna tell my mom, Jian and Yuyan. I look at the time on my watch. Oh shoot! I'm gonna be late to work. I didn't think that being checked up was gonna take long til I have to go to work. I quickly find a cab.


How am I gonna surprise Xiaojun with the news? I'm really nervous about how I'm going to tell him and how's he's gonna react.

xiaojun's child | xiaojun ff  [ completed ]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt