Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Dalt stands there hands shaking as he hears the man.

"and that is your right." Dalt shakes his head, not understanding.

"but Edmond and Archibald are alive. why, why would I get the throne?" 

"It has been decided by the Galvins. as a lore keeper, I am here to mark your reign and help you decide your goals as the new king." Dalt shakes his head questioning.

"This doesn't feel right. this is Edmonds throne, his rule..."

"yes I understand your concern young one but I have been sent by the Galvins to help you transition and get aquatinted to being a king. it can be a tough transition.."

"what if I don't want this?" Dalt asks sounding upset and the man steps forward placing his hand on the boy's shoulder.

"I know this is tough I have been alive for many years child I have seen many fearful young lords step into the throne who never expected to do so. it will take time but you will find your place as a king." 

the lore keeper walks around the O'Sullivan throne room and motions back.

"I helped Archibald settle into his rule as a king and have stayed as a council to him for many months now. he asked me personally to look out for you and I will stay beside you Dalt as long as you need the help to guide the O'Sullivans as I did for the shaws, the cranes, the Nolan's and yes even the Galvins..."

"the Galvins?" Dalt asks sounding surprised and the man nods his head.

"yes, even the true king Ruck needed some help. as a lore keeper, it is my job to know history, to know kingship and even in some cases offer help in finding your future queen if need be." 

"my future queen?" Dalt asks sounding surprised and the man nods to the young king.

"yes and I recommend perhaps Mila Nolan."

"Mila Nolan?" Dalt asks and the man nods to him as he repeats himself.

"yes, Mila Nolan is a fine choice and not to mention would tie you back to Edmond. if you wish to be tied back. this would make you free to ask for his council as well if you need to."

Dalt sits back on the throne thinking to himself as the older man nods to him.

"let us just help you get settled in Dalt. one thing at a time."


Edmond stands there overlooking the Nolan Garden and hears Hannah as she comes enveloping her arms around his waist and resting her head on his arm.

"love are you alright?"

"they took it...." she lifts her head and stares down Edmond as she whispers.

"We still have each other and you still have the Nolans. they respect you."

"They aren't my people!" he yells and Hannah raises an eyebrow as he shifts and rubs his eyes.

"They just took it, just forced my brother's hand like that."  Edmond sits down into a chair and looks out at the garden enjoying the view as Hannah whispers.

"We still have each other love and your people won't stop seeing you, treasuring you they love the O'Sullivan brothers...'

"I let them down with some half-assed pursuit of what? some relic of history? I lost people, land,   for some stupid crusade..."

Hannah leans down staring up to Edmond as she states.

"did you feel it was stupid at the time?"

"no, it was searching for the truth."

"then it as the right thing Edmond.."

"the worst part is this isn't even over. there is so much they have hidden form us, so much truth we can't even begin to know. the technology, the Galvins, the wars and those that came before."

"Those that came before?" Hannah Nolan turns her head and Edmond stares down at her as he states.

"there was a war between the Galvins and everyone else over the technology and how it should be used. what I read said the Galvins believed we should use it to extend our life to live forever..."

"that sounds like a good idea, never being able to die."

"it sounds too good to be true, love." Edmond motions back to her and Hannah states.

"but the Galvin's won, did they not?"

"but yet we die, don't we?" Edmond states and Hannah turns her head as she nods to him.

"yes, we do..." Edmond stares out at the garden and asks outright.

"So then what happened? if the Galvins won then everyone should have everlasting life, correct?"

Hannah nods agreeing and Edmond sits back and thinks to himself as he whispers to himself.

"but that wouldn't be a Galvin thing to do." Edmond stares out at the garden pondering what he knows about the Galvins and sits back as he states outright.

"they sell it." Edmond states sure of his words and Hannah raises her head as she asks.


"think of it we all have robots on the plateau, we all have our buildings, our sectors and Galvins they always have their investments. so why not make it an investment as well?"

"Are you saying they are selling immortality?" Hannah asks questioning her husband and Edmond sits back and whispers.

"I think they are hoarding it for themselves. think of it Dorian how long was he on that throne?"

"I, I cannot remember it was a very long reign..." Edmond nods agreeing with his wife and whispers sounding upset.

"he never aged either. the man looked so young all the time"

"but he did die, they say he was poisoned...."

"yes, but it could've been hundreds of years of his reign if he wasn't. the man never looked passed the age of 30 yet with the number of kids and women he slept with he should have clearly been well into his 60s maybe even 70s. even so, he may have been much much older than that."

Edmond sits back in his chair and thinks to himself as she asks outright.

"if that is so then Ruck's reign may be very long-"

"it may be forever." Edmond states and Hannah asks sounding upset.

"what does this mean, Edmond?"

"that the true king truly is the true king. ruck's reign could be an eternity until he retires or hands down the throne to an heir."

"is there anything we can do?" Hannah asks sounding upset and Edmond shrugs his shoulders.

"Clearly it would be wise not to make Ruck angry. he could use a lifetime getting back at us."

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