Chapter Thirty-SIx

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Lady Bullard stands behind Lord Cullen and asks sounding worried.

"what will happen to them?"

"your sister and mother can stay-"

"and my father?"

Lord Cullen turns back remaining quiet thinking over what he had to do. He breaks out of his thoughts and comments.

"We do not know where he is." He motions to his soon t be bride and lowers his voice.

"But I will take good care of you, along with your mother and sister as the lord of this house."

"I should hope so-" she states sounding unafraid of the powerful nobleman.

"you have nothing to worry about. soon you will be lady Cullen and can cut ties to the Bullard's. it will be far easier for you in this monarchy-"

"They are my family," she states upset and he drops his smile as he walks towards her. she stands still and Lord Cullen pushes her hair from her face.

"you will be a Cullen so be sure to lower that lip." he brushes his finger on her lip as he speaks commanding.

"you have to appear obedient Lady Bullard you are going to be Cullen's wife. it won't be good for business if you don't keep up appearances, love." he turns back to her with a smile and asks sounding worried.

"please try to remember that?"

He steps to her and whispers "a Cullen woman always stands by her husband, her lord, and always remains obedient, quiet and does what she is told" he lets out a small laugh as he motions to Lady Bullard "so try and pretend to be at least one of those, sometimes.." he grins and she asks sounding upset. 

"is that what you prefer?"

"of course not lady Bullard but it is appearances for business, for this clan and this castle.:

He looks out at the balcony eyeing the city being rebuilt and motions out.

"for the Galvin of the east." He licks his lips and motions back to her as he laughs "we are going to be filthy rich if this goes well. we can retire young and to the plateau and let our kids have the mess" he grins thinking of it as he motions back to her but hears a loud explosion erupt and turns back hearing a loud jet and whispers "the Galvins?" 


Alvis stands there in the hallway of the Galvin castle hearing some peasants speaking off to the right as one whispers to another.

"do you think it will be a boy or a girl?" they quiet down and Alvis glances up eyeing Avery walk down the hallway towards him. He swallows hard eying the girl in her beauty and notices her clean clothing and her appearance of a noblewoman. he stops in front of her blocking her path and she stares up nervously speaking stumbling her words.

"Lord, lord Alvis," she says worriedly as he eyes her over as he speaks.

"curious girl. why do you look so damn familiar?" he leans down noticing her and whispers

"oh that is it huh, what was your name?" he scratches the back of his head and whispers "I'd never forgot that name would I?" she shifts uncomfortably and speaks firm trying to pretend she isn't who he thinks. 

"I apologize, Lord Alvis, you must have me confused."

"no, no I don't, peasant. so which lord did you tame, huh?" he leans down and asks "which one was it?" she glances up angry and confronts him unafraid of Alvis.

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