Like a Cat [Sephiroth/Reader]

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It was another long day filled with meetings, paperwork, training, and more paperwork. All of the damn paperwork. He knew there'd be some once the ceasefire with Wutai occurred and he was taken off of the battlefield, he just didn't think there'd be this much.

"You doing okay there, Sephiroth?" Angeal questioned.

"Fine," Sephiroth responded while pinching the bridge of his nose.

"You know, we all have an allowance with our jobs," Angeal started. "Why don't you look at getting an assistant or something? Genesis already has one."

"Why should I waste money on something I can just do myself?"

Angeal frowned and watched as Sephiroth walked down the hall. With a sigh, he followed his silver-haired friend. "Do you never eat out at a restaurant? Or...Well, I was going to ask do you cut your own hair, but you obviously never get your hair cut."

Sephiroth glanced side-ways in amusement. "I see your point." He sighed. "Did Genesis seriously rope some poor person into doing his paperwork?"

"Yup," Angeal popped the P. "Apparently, they love doing paperwork."

"Those people actually exist?"

"I think they just like getting paid and will say whatever to get a raise." Angeal placed a hand on Sephiroth's shoulder causing him to stop walking. "Come on, let's go see whoever's crazy enough to put up with Genesis."

Sephiroth chuckled and turned towards the direction of Genesis's office. It wasn't as large as Sephiroth's, but it was still decently sized. All first-class soldiers all had their own office for the short amount of time they were stationed in Midgar. Honestly, third-class soldiers would probably get more use out of the offices with how they were more frequently working as security at one of the mako plants surrounding the city.

Within a couple of minutes, the pair were at the office of the poetry fanatic. Angeal knocked on the door and strolled in.

"Yes," a person looked up from the desk with a brief smile. "How may I help you?"

"Just wanting to see Genesis," Angeal replied. "Is he here?"

"He will be back in just a couple of minutes," the person responded. "If you'd like, you can wait here or I can relay a message for you."

"We'll wait, thank you." Angeal removed the Buster sword from its magnetic sheath and placed it against the wall. He then sat on the couch. "So, what brought you to work with Genesis?"

"Administrative work is more my speed," the person responded while flipping through a variety of files. "I also just moved here to Midgar from Junon. I needed a job, and here we are."

"Ah, I see," Angeal opened his mouth to open another question, but paused. His mako infused eyes were resting on his fellow Soldier. Sephiroth was standing at the entrance stiffly. Angeal nearly chocked on a breath of air. Sephiroth's pupils had grown from their typical slits to almost filling up his iris. He looked like a cat ready to pounce of a red light. "Are you alright there, Sephiroth?"

Sephiroth just managed to tear his gaze away from Genesis's assistant to look at Angeal. "Fine," he mumbled and made his way to sit next to him. He kept his gaze anywhere but on the assistant.

"Do you need some water?" the assistant questioned with a hint of panic. "You don't look so good." They pushed their chair away from the desk and ran out of the room.

A couple of seconds later, Genesis walked into the office with a puzzled expression. "Why did [Y/N] just run out of here? What did you do to them?"

Angeal chuckled and clapped his hand on Sephiroth's shoulder. "They went to go and get loverboy here some water!"

"Shut up," Sephiroth sighed andfelt a course of heat rush to his face that was almost most definitely from thefire materia he had attached to his armor. 

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