Lilacs [Vincent/Reader]

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"So!" Aerith clapped her hands together. The bandwagon of misfits and yourself looked up from the flickering flames of the campfire and towards the florist. "What is everyone's favorite flower?"

"Why kind of question is that?" Cid scoffed while taking a puff from a cigarette.

"Come on, let's get to know each other a bit more, it'll be fun. Just answer the question!" Aerith pouted.

Cid rolled his eyes. "Fine. Roses."

Vincent snorted. "Didn't think of you as a roses man, Cid."

"Shut up!" Cid barked and squashed his cigarette into the dirt underneath him. "It was the only flower I could think of off the top of my head. You go then, since you're the obvious flower connoisseur."

Vincent hummed quietly to himself, thinking over the various flowers he had limited knowledge over. "Chamomile."

"The fucking tea?" Cid sighed. "That ain't a flower."

"It actually is," Aerith said with a light laugh. "A lot of flowers have medicinal properties. What about you Nanaki?"

Nanaki lifted his head and flicked his tail from side to side. "Paintbrush, I suppose. They grow around the rims of Cosmo Canyon in June and July. Grandpa always gets excited when they start to bloom."

"Oh! Were they those red ones we saw?" Tifa questioned. Nanaki merely nodded his head before laying it back on his paws. "Those were pretty." Tifa leaned back with a small grin. "I think my favorite type of flower would have to be the lily Cloud gave me after he met you, Aerith. It was just a forecast of the friendship we'd have."

Aerith grinned widely at Tifa. "I'm glad I managed to talk Cloud into taking it. He almost refused. But those are my favorite, too. Cloud, I know you said you didn't have a favorite back in Midgar. Have you had a change of heart?"

Cloud sighed and rubbed his forehead. "I guess? Cherry blossoms are fine."

"Marlene likes cherry blossoms, too," Barret chimed in. "Though, she's only seen pictures of them. She was too little to see any near Corel and they just don't grow in Midgar. But daisies are her favorite. Just as well. Dyne and I would always bring our wives a bouquet of daisies whenever we'd have to leave town. I'm sure Marlene must remember those even if she was just a baby. So I guess those are my favorite, too. When this is all over, Imma get Marlene her own bouquet of daisies."

"I'm sure she'll love it," you piped up. "But I have a feeling she'll love seeing you more." Barret flashed you a small smile, but his bottom lip trembled ever so slightly. He took a deep breath and slipped his sunglasses back on his face. You sat up straight. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to--."

"Don't be," Barret said with a shaky breath. "Just miss my little girl is all."

"Well, I think you're all wrong!" Yuffie exclaimed, growing uncomfortable that Barret was starting to cry. "Hibiscus flowers are the best."

"Jasmine flowers are better," Cait Sith argued, obviously trying to rile up the ninja. Yuffie squatted down to the cat's level and growled at him.

"Anyways," Aerith sighed and looked towards you. "What's your favorite flower, [Y/N]?"

"Hmm?" You managed to tear your eyes away from the impending catfight. Vincent straightened up and turned his gaze towards you with his full attention. "Lilacs have always been my favorite." You turned your attention back to the campfire, getting lost in your thoughts as Yuffie and Cait Sith brawled and the others stood by as it happened.

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