A Wild Trip

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Officers Reilly and Franklin called after supper to give them a report that they didn't find anything in the cave, but did have the uneasy feeling of being watched, wondering if they were closer than they thought to finding something. The boys and Collig figured that since the boys had been there before the officers that the culprits were on high alert and would make sure everything was well hidden. Collig agreed with Fenton that going silent for two days, letting the counterfeiters think the message had scared them even a little, would give them the element of surprise.

The next morning, the boys didn't stay idle, they decided to look into the office supply store angle they had. Though they didn't go out to visit any of the office supply stores, they worked on narrowing it down to a few. Plus, they were coming up with a plan to meet the teen who was seen with the green truck at Prito's Supply Yard. But no matter how they looked at it, they figured that they had to either enlist Tony's help or go back to the old mill themselves, which would have to wait until their two days were up. Frank decided to make the call.

"Hey Tony, you got a minute?" He put it on speaker so Joe could hear.

"A minute, yes," said Tony on the line, "literally, so make it quick please."

"Oh, right, um, this might not work after all."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, Joe and I are under orders to lay low for a couple of days and we were wondering if you could try to make contact with that boy in the green truck. But if you're too busy . . ."

"Well, today I am, but I have some time tomorrow, I can head over to the old mill and see if I can talk with the guy."

Frank smiled. "That would be great, Tony, thanks!"

"No problem!"

"Oh, and Tony?"


"Don't try to beat him up or scare him off, OK? I don't think he has any real part in it except just working at Elekton and was probably told by his boss to help pick up the supplies, and that was it."

"Aye aye, Captain, but if anyone says anything bad about you two, all bets go out the door."

Frank chuckled nervously. "Oh, alright, I guess." Joe raised an eyebrow, but he was grinning from ear to ear, holding in his chuckles as best as he could. Frank shot him a look that said 'don't even think about it'. Joe waggled his eyebrows, but didn't say anything.

"How about it, Joe?"


"I don't beat up anybody unless they say something bad about you and Frank?"

"Well . . ."


"What? I was just going to say it's your own skin. You could very well be outnumbered."

"You have a point there . . . alright, alright, so no fighting whatsoever. I just complete my mission, which is to meet the guy and try to get him to meet you, right?"

"That's it," said Frank.

"Got it. I'll report back tomorrow before dinner with my results."

"Thanks Tony!" said Frank.

"You're the best!" said Joe.

"Hey, you're the best, and any help I can give you to bring these counterfeiters down, the better."

"Great! We'll talk to you tomorrow, then."

"Sounds good. Bye!"

"Bye!" Frank hung up the phone, he and Joe glanced at each other, and heaved heavy sighs.

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