Chapter 10: The Great Escape

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 "I'm sure my daughter didn't mean to ignore you."

Braithe groaned inwardly as her mother's voice carried through the balcony door to where she was still standing next to Aurelian. Was there no end to her embarrassment?

"I just thought you should be aware." She recognised the voice of the Sheriff and debated whether she should raid his personal home next. If for no other reason than the sheer satisfaction.

"The princess is very fond of you." Her mother's voice was cajoling. "But Sir Aurelian is the guest of honour, I'm sure you understand that she must entertain him."

The Sheriff grunted. Braithe stared unseeingly at a spot on the castle wall, unable to bring herself to look at Aurelian, who was remaining quiet during the exchange.

"I thought perhaps I should ask her to dance again."

"Oh yes, but..."

But he's the bachelor son of a duke. It was obvious that's what her mother wanted to say, but had stopped herself short. This time, Braithe couldn't quite contain the groan. As much as she had tried to avoid it, a gentle nudge from Aurelian forced her to turn her head towards him. He nodded towards the steps leading from the balcony down into the gardens and she smiled, relief flooding her. Flashing her a smile, he grabbed her hand and pulled her along. Throwing a quick glance through the doors, Braithe caught sight of her mother and the Sheriff a few feet inside, neither looking outside at that moment.

They quickly descended the stairs and hid just below the balcony where they would be out of sight unless someone looked straight down. Braithe tried not to think about the fact that Aurelian was still holding her hand in his. She definitely wasn't thinking about how nice it felt, warm and comforting.

"Look, they're not here!" She heard her mother exclaim just above them, her voice sounding relieved. "Perhaps you were mistaken?"

"I was certain I heard them," the Sheriff said, but sounded uncertain now. "Maybe they went down in the garden?"

"Oh, don't be silly!" her mother's voice trilled, though Braithe suspected her mother would love the prospect. A duke's son wasn't a bad match for a princess. "Let's go back to the ball. I know a beautiful young lady who would be very honoured if you would ask her to dance."

"All right." The Sheriff sounded mollified.

Braithe sighed in relief, then looked up at Aurelian. He was little more than a dark spectre in the shadows of the garden. "Thank you."

She wondered if he would kiss her now, but he released her hand. "At your service, Your Highness." He chuckled. "I could be mistaken, but I sensed that you didn't wish to dance with the Sheriff."

"He's a miserable wretch," she admitted. "And he steps on my toes."

"A grievous error." The amusement in his voice warmed her.

She pushed away from the wall to walk down through the gardens. Aurelian immediately followed, and they strolled in companionable silence between the rose bushes and flower beds. As they reached the entrance to the large hedge maze she glanced up at him, his face still in shadow.

"Do you dare?" she asked with a challenging smile.

"Are you planning to lead me astray, Your Highness?" The husky tone of his voice sent a shiver down her spine.

"Who said I know the way?"

"I suppose we may both lose our way then."

They stared at each other for a moment, two shades in the semidarkness. Braithe was the first to break away, her heart beating quicker than normal. Turning into the maze, she could hear Aurelian follow, and she hurried her steps. No matter what she had said, she knew this maze like the back of her hand, having played in it through her childhood. It had been a great game between her and Baudwin, seeing who could reach the middle the quickest.

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