Chapter 17: Seeking a Friend for the End of the World

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The preparations for the attack were proceeding well and the overall mood of the denizens of Nowhere was oddly cheerful. Jowan, Steffan, Aurelian and Baudwin had all taken on responsibilities of assigning work, and everyone was pulling their weight. Even Lyssa was helping by collecting rocks and other projectiles to throw onto their attackers from the tops of the large rocks surrounding the shallow valley. There were now simple platforms on the top of the boulders, accessible by ladders, in the locations where they expected to be attacked.

Braithe had been helping collect all the weapons they could find and create makeshift ones from anything remotely usable, but was now taking a brief break. Unfortunately, a break meant her mind suddenly had free rein, and she walked around aimlessly, beating her thigh with her fist. This was all her fault. If it wasn't for her, these people wouldn't be in this situation. She had never wanted this. Never wanted anyone to face death or prison. It had all just been a rebellion against her parents. A way of trying to right their wrong, however small. But it had snowballed into something much bigger, and now she had put all these people in danger.

Her thoughts were interrupted as bumped into something long and solid pressing into her waist. Looking down, she recognised Baudwin's cane which he was holding out to halt her advance.

"I know that look," he said. "Spill."

"No." She shook her head, worried that if she started talking, she'd start bawling.

Baudwin said a few words to the group of Nowhere residents he'd with, then started walking ahead of her. Seeing no other option, Braithe followed. Though she supposed she could run the other way, it wasn't as if he could catch her. They walked in silence for a little while, observing all the preparations being made for the coming battle. It was amazing how everyone was coming together.

"We have spoken little lately," Baudwin said thoughtfully as they reached the edge of the small tarn. "With our parents away you've been here more than you've been in the castle."

Picking up a stone while ignoring her burning cheeks, Braithe lopped it out over the water, watching as it skimmed over the surface creating ripples. Nine. Not her best.

"I suppose it's because of Sir Aurelian?" her brother said when she didn't reply.

"Maybe," she admitted. Definitely.

Baudwin picked up a stone, weighed it in his hand for a moment and then threw it with a practised move of his arm. They both watched as it skipped over the water. Thirteen times. He'd always been better than her. He looked back at her, his hazel eyes assessing.

"Should I be worried?" he asked while picking up another stone. His voice sounded casual, but she knew he was waiting for her answer with a certain level of trepidation.

"Define worried."

He gave her an annoyed look, as if to say that she knew exactly what he meant. Which she did. She just chose to ignore it. "What about you?" she asked instead. "You've been hanging out with Lyssa a fair bit. I saw you dance with her at the ball."

Baudwin shook his head before throwing the next stone. Nine skips. He was distracted. "There's nothing between us."

"I'm pretty sure Lyssa likes you."

"I suspect so," he admitted, still watching the water where the rings were widening still even after the stone was long gone. "She's not my type."

"Pretty isn't your type?" Braithe quipped. "What is your type?"

"I don't know. I guess I'll know when I find her." He shrugged before looking back at her. "I saw you sneak out into the gardens with Sir Aurelian at the ball. When you told me he was here in Nowhere, then spent most of your time here... You can't fault me for wanting to know if it should worry me."

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