Chapter 19: The Return of the King

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The Breoch men still fighting for the King and Queen looked uneasily between each other and the newly arrived forces of the High King. A blond man on a chestnut horse came forward, flanked by two dark-haired knights. The High King. A moment later a loud clattering rang through the forest as the Breoch soldiers all dropped their weapons and bent their knees.

Braithe let out a sigh of relief. The battle was over.

A rumble built up behind her, soon turning into a cheerful roar of joy as the residents of Nowhere and the men who had joined her brother celebrated their victory.

Aurelian pushed the Sheriff of Ossol back to the ground, taking the few steps separating him from Braithe and took her in his arms. Then he held her out in front of him, gingerly touching the minor wound where the Sheriff had broken the skin on her throat. His eyes clouded over again, and he looked as if he wanted to turn back to mete out some punishment on the other man.

Not wanting him away from her right then, Braithe slid her arms around his neck and pulled his head down to hers for a searing kiss. Her body was still sizzling with energy from the fighting and the scare of having a knife at her throat, and it needed an outlet. Kissing Aurelian seemed as good of an outlet as anything. He certainly didn't seem to mind as his mouth devoured hers hungrily; hot and demanding. His arms circled her again, pulling her close, as if so much as an inch was too far away.

It was as if they were the only two people in the world. Everything else had fallen away. All Braithe could focus on was the feel of Aurelian against her, his smell, the warmth of his body and the delicious feelings his kisses stirred deep inside her. She was rudely reminded that they were not alone by someone clearing their throat next to them.

Reluctantly pulling away from Aurelian, Braithe found herself in front of a tall, handsome man with ruffled, blond hair. He was wearing an ornate breastplate, polished until it shone like silver and a royal green tunic underneath it with silver stitching around the sleeves. Green eyes were watching them, and Braithe couldn't quite discard the feeling that he was silently amused.

"Your Majesty," Aurelian said, bowing low.

Braithe quickly curtsied, feeling somewhat mortified that the High King had been watching her kiss one of his knights.

"Sir Aurelian," the High King said, and his voice definitely sounded amused. He looked at Braithe. "And who is this delightful creature?"

"This is Her Highness, Princess Braithe of Breoch." Aurelian scratched his head. Maybe she wasn't the only one mortified. "Princess Braithe, this is High King Felix of Erya."

The High King raised his eyebrows. "Your Highness," he said with a nod. "I must admit that you are not what I expected."

"I've heard that before." Braithe resisted the urge to scratch at her bindings. Now was not the time. Naturally they itched more than normal because she couldn't scratch.

Her comment made the High King burst out laughing. A warm, pleasant sound that didn't seem mocking, only happy. "I bet you have," he said with a grin.

Catching sight of Baudwin walking towards them, Braithe motioned towards him as he came to stand next to her. "Your Majesty, this is my brother, Prince Baudwin."

"We've met," the High King said, taking a few steps forward to shake Baudwin's hand and clap him on the shoulder in what Braithe supposed was the male version of a hug.

"Of course," she said, realising that they must have. "The battle for Messina."

"Right," the High King said, more formal now as he motioned for some of his soldiers to bring the King and Queen over to them. He looked at the couple, anger flashing in his green eyes. "The reports coming out of your kingdom have been disturbing for some time now, and our own investigations confirmed them to be true. You have behaved atrociously towards your citizens, the people whose welfare you are responsible for."

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