Thirty Three.

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"I'm letting go of the past but keeping every single lesson it taught me," -C.T

Two months later.

"You sure about this, Cheyenne?" I felt a hand on my shoulder as I took off my watch, placing it in the bin. "Make sure no one steals that," I narrowed my eyes at the woman who took the bin away to send it through the scanner. "I'm fine, Joaquin, really," I offered a grim smile as I motioned for him to take off anything metal.

"Yea, this is something that I have to do," I muttered, stepping through the full-body scanner, listening for the beep as the San Quinten State Prison guard pointed at a place for me to go and wait for Joaquin. "Come on," Joaquin smiled, giving me some encouragement as he threw an arm around my shoulder, pushing me along to follow the guard.

"Right this way. Inmate #630385 will be out shortly," The stocky man let me know as we came to a door that led to a bunch of booths with glass walls, a hole in the glass so that you could speak without the use of the telephone. "I'll be out here, supporting you, giving you all my love," Joaquin kissed my forehead, rubbing my back.

"But this is your battle to win and he is the final boss," I snickered at his analogy as he cupped my cheeks in his hand. "I'm just on the sidelines, cheering you on so go on in there and give him a piece of your mind," He nodded adamantly and I grabbed his hand, squeezing it tightly. "I sure will," With that newfound confidence, I left Joaquin standing there as I busted through to the booth room, eager to lay it all down the line.

"He is coming. You may sit here," The guard pointed to an empty chair in front of the glass screen and I felt myself get jittery. I was probably nervous and I wanted to say that I didn't know why, but I truly did.

Because I was here to let go of him.

"Oh?" I looked up to see one Sterling Thorn, disheveled hair all over the place, unkempt stubble lining his jaw, glasses crooked and he looked every bit of dirty. He looked like he had seen hell in this place, and there was more coming. "I didn't think my own son would come and see me. To what do I owe this visit to, Cheyenne?" Now that he was in front of me, sitting across from me, nothing but a glass wall between us, I didn't know what to think.


He raised a brow as he took a seat, chains hanging from him like he was some caged rabid dog. "You're going to have to elaborate on that." I snorted in annoyance, coming to a realization. "At first, I thought I was going to snap and yell and cry because of all the frustration, the grief, the anxiety, the fear that you made me feel these last eight years, but now that I look at you and see how much you have fallen," I clicked my tongue, seeing the sheer patheticness that was just oozing off of him, stinking up the air.

Or that could've just been him smelling all nasty like that.

Sterling sneered at me, not having anything to say, not that I'd let him. He had done all the talking these last years, so it was his turn to shut up and listen. "You have no fucking idea what it means to be human, do you?" I spat coldly, shaking my head. "For years, I was blinded, wanting nothing but for you to acknowledge me, to be that father that told me that I could do anything I wanted, but you like you always do, ignored everyone else and focused on your own selfish needs. Not just me, but mom and Christine," His eyes widened at the thought of me calling Davina mom, something I had never done.

"Once upon a time, you were someone I looked up to, but when I saw the real you," I gritted my teeth, snorting but there was no amusement in my tone. "I couldn't believe that someone who helped make me would want me dead. You really are the very man you wanted to be and yet, you have nothing left."

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