14- A confession

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Namjoon's pov

Last night

We laugh for the better part of the night, she getting drunker by the minute, getting more careless by the minute, more ridiculous by the minute.

Drunk Ayanna doesn't really give a fuck about anything, I think, laughing, she joins in with me.
She blabbers incoherent sentences,

"Did you know I have a really bad temper!? My friends say I look like im about to kill someone and they say I have an aura of 'don't mess with me' wherever I go. Is that true? What possessed YOU to talk to me then?"

"Have you watched the drama 'Encounter'? Well I've wanted to randomly dance like that too, unexpectedly, in a random place ,but to Airplane pt. 2! Wouldn't that be perfect?!"

"I may not look like it, but I've been a romantic all my life! Why can't lavish balls and parties be a thing again?! And frilly dresses?"

"You? In a frilly dress? I don't see that happening." I say staring at her with mock surprise

"Yah! You've only known me for two days! Just because I wear navy and black hoodies all the time doesn't mean I don't like dresses!"

"What are your views on democracy? I don't really think it's practical to take everyone's opinion into account. But that doesn't mean we shouldn't try. We should try to reach an optimum solution-" she starts again, without missing a beat.
"And... thats ENOUGH wine for today." I say as I take her wine glass and wash up, only to find her passed out on the sofa, hair covering her face as she's mumbling something about quantum mechanics and the theory of relativity.

Is it so bad to fall?

I think you've already fallen for her, Namjoon.

I kneel and can't help but stare at her, sleeping, a faint blush on her face from all that alcohol.

I guess I can't go back to my apartment tonight. I can't leave her here like this.

I sigh before I lift her, supporting her by her back and knees,  carrying her up the stairs.
I place her on her bed and tuck her in, placing a glass of water and aspirin on the side table.

I enter the spare room and close the door, glancing at my watch.
It was 1:40am. Morning in Korea.
I enter my room and call Jin hyung.

"Hello hyung!"

"Heya Namjoon! Wait- Why are you calling me? Why haven't you slept yet? We just spoke yesterday!"

"Well... I wanted to tell you something"


"I think I'm falling in love. With Ayanna"

"I told you we shouldn't have let him go alone!" I hear Yoongi hyung yell in the background "Namjoon, it's been like two days since you've met her! And now you're in love? Are you naive?"

"Hyung why do you put the damn call on speaker all the time! Aish why do I even call you-"

"Yah yah yah! That's not important now. What do you mean you're falling in love with her? Like Yoongi said, it's been three days"

"I don't know hyung... It's- I- I can't really put it in words. Not right now. I feel like I know her. Like it's perfect."

"There he goes, being a romantic again..." I hear Hoseok sigh

"Shush!" I hear Jin

"What about her? Do you think she feels the same way?" Asks Yoongi

"I don't know. She's kind of hard to read, but not really at the same time. At the moment, I don't think she feels the same way..."

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