15- cake? cake.

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Namjoon's POV

I wear my shirt, brush my teeth and wash my face before heading down with my breakfast. I find her sitting down with her laptop, in her glasses and messy bun, headphones on, busy working on something. She looks up as I sit next to her, taking off her headphones.

"You don't really wear your glasses all the time do you? The only other time I've seen you wear them was in the park the other day."

"I don't really have bad eyesight so I use them minimally. But right now, with a hangover, the last thing I need is a headache because of eye strain."

"You're a lightweight aren't you?" I laugh, taking a bite of my makeshift sandwich.

"Well I don't really drink a lot. The only thing I can stand is red wine, so I guess that explains yesterday."

"How much of it do you remember?"

"How much of what? Oh. Yesterday night? Well I remember some things like how you said Hobie sleepwalked once... Wait. Oh my god did I blabber rubbish! My friends tell me I talk a lot when I'm drunk. DID I BLABBER NAMJOON? WHAT DID I SAY!?"

I start laughing and she holds the bridge of her nose, cursing about how she shouldn't be allowed anywhere near alcohol, which makes me laugh more

"TELL ME NAMJOON!" she demands as she sets her laptop down and removes her glasses, staring at me, demanding answers
"Ahh it wasn't that bad. You talked about... Wanting to wear frilly dresses-"

"Oh. My. God."

"- and about my views about democracy-"

"Aaaand it gets worse" she says, dropping her head on her hands

"And you passed out when I went to wash the glasses"

"Oh wait so I wasn't conscious? I thought you helped me up the stairs and I didn't remember.... Wait- how did I get-" her eyes widen as she realises.

"You didn't- no- did you carry me? But I'm heavy!"

I grin as I take a sip of my coffee.

"Oh my god- I'm so sorry-" she completely hides her face in her hands, refusing to look up as I laugh.

"It wasn't that big of a deal! I'm being serious! Ayanna! You were light as a feather!"

She looks up and smacks her cheeks, trying to pull herself together while I'm trying to supress my laughter.

"I um- thank you. You didn't have to do that. You didn't have to stay either. Thank you Namjoon -ie" she finishes with an embarassed smile.

I grin at her and get up to wash my plate.

"Give me a couple of minutes to wrap this up. We need to plan something for today."

"Yeah sure, take your time."

She finishes her work and removes her glasses, looking at me "Got anything on your mind?"

"No not really..."

"Then.. how about we make that chocolate cake?" she grins

"I'm not really good at this cooking thing-"

"Ahh that's fine. You could be in-charge of the music or something"

"Can we stop by my apartment? I need to get a couple of things."


We walk out of her apartment and make our way to the grocery store.


It's a cool morning as we step out, me in my glorified pajamas and a coat. We get the groceries and a couple of snacks before going to his apartment. I take a deep breath as I enter. White marble floors a ridiculous chandelier. It's obviously meant for more than one person.

"This isn't an Airbnb" I say as I plop down on one of the couches.
He laughs and tells me the company sometimes goes overboard.

"I strictly told them I wanted a single occupancy apartment. Something as discreet as possible. They wouldn't have it." I hear his voice fade out as he makes his way to what I presume to be his room. I put on my headphones and mindlessly scroll through Pinterest till he comes back.

"Oh I forgot! Where are my manners- do you want a drink? Anything?"

"Nah it's fine. Let's go?"



I find two aprons and I hand one to Namjoon. He puts on music as I start setting things up. I assign the whisking tasks to him, since there was no electric mixer and since he basically snatched the whisk from me at one point. 2 hours of flour and cocoa clouds later , we had a cake that was cooling on the counter and lots of stories swapped between us. I smile as he starts laughing at one of my recollections

It's fun. It's familiar. It feels like it's meant to be.
What is this feeling...
Ahh but this isn't gonna go anywhere anyway... He'll probably forget me after a while. An insignificant blip in his eventful life. There's really no point to this is there?
Is there?
Why do I have hope... Ahh I hate this.
Why do I want to stay in touch with him after all this... I hope we stay in touch after this too.
I'd love to be his friend.
Show him my library, take him to my favorite hole in the wall restaurant.
Maybe that's far fetched.



"Ayanna? Hey?" He snaps his fingers in front of my eyes

"Yeah! Yeah? Yeah I'm good"

"You zoned out there for a bit there... Everything alright?"

"Yup! Never been better!" I grin, "I think we can eat the cake now. I'll go and add the ganache"

I make the ganache and pour it over the cake, cutting two slices as I'm done.


"I told ya I make a mean chocolate cake!"

We have to stop ourselves from eating more of the cake cause of the dinner plans and continue to talk till 7:00. We then decide to get going.

I stare at myself in the mirror

Do I dress up? I just have one dressy outfit packed... Is it appropriate? I mean it's just casual.
Just casual

I decide on a navy blouse and jeans with my black coat and go down the stairs. Namjoon's looking just as comfy in an olive sweatshirt and dark wash jeans.
Man am I glad I didn't wear that dress

"Let's go?" He asks, smiling

"Let's go."

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