20- House of cards

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Namjoon's POV

I couldn't help grinning the entire way back to my apartment.
I couldn't stop smiling the entire time I changed into my pajamas

"Likewise" she said with a smirk

Oh how my heart skipped a beat when I heard that


I was literally squealing when walking the apartment. Replaying everything in my head again and again, smiling till my cheeks hurt and I had to slap myself to stop.

That didn't work

"So... Anna? Would you like to be my girlfriend? I mean I guess I don't have to ask that but-"

I placed my finger on his lips to shut him up since he was evidently getting flustered and laughed before telling him yes.

His face lit up and I almost passed out
Oh my gosh am I be dramatic sometimes.

I buried my head in my pillows to try and get rid of my thoughts passing out soon after.

I wake up to the ringing of my phone. It was the girls. I had told them I would fill them in on everything once I got back the last time I called them

"Cause talking about the trip while I'm on the trip doesn't really make sense does it?"

"Well when you put it THAT way..."
So I was kind of surprised they were calling again

I pick up the call, trying shake off the sleep and put it on speaker as I make my bed.

They're all silent

"Hello? You guys! You're supposed to talk when you call ya know?"

"Anna... What's this" Kiara starts off cautiously

"What's what?

"Who is this mystery woman? And why was she spotted with Kim Namjoon at one of the swankiest restaurants in Stockholm?" Evelyn reads out

I almost tripped on my own foot again as I rushed to pick the phone and hold it up to my ear

"What the fuck?"

"That's exactly our reaction right about now. They've even mentioned your name in the article" Vienna says, calmly
"It's a report by Dispatch. It's all over the internet"

All over the fucking internet? No no no no NO

"I- I- Ohh shit I'm gonna have to call y'all back"

I call Namjoon as fast as humanly possible

"Hellooooo~" he says yawning

"Namjoon ummm I- ummm" I try,
holding back my tears of frustration

Why can't I talk?!

"Ayanna... What's wrong?" He starts cautiously

"Namjoon... We- we weren't in full stealth mode yesterday-- and um"

"Oh no-" I hear him groan
"Oh hold up I'm getting a call from the company, I'll call you back okay? Don't worry we'll sort this out. Was there anything about our current locations?"

"No it was just about the restaurant"

"Okay then try and be calm, I'm coming over okay?"

"No don't! I'll come over instead. You'll need to manage things with the company. I'll come over."

"I'll send a car then, even though it's a couple of blocks, we need to be vigilant"

I say okay as I hang up. I quickly change and make two jam sandwiches before putting up my hood and mask, stepping out to the car. There didn't seem to be anyone who was remotely interested in me, but I entered as quickly as I could

I'm a nobody. This won't affect me in the least. What about Namjoon? What about BTS. I wonder how the ARMY are reacting to this. Oh shit. What were we thinking? What was I thinking? I can't ruin them like this. No..not these guys.

I avoid all my social media accounts. Twitter was blowing up. But the last thing I needed was more thoughts in my head.
The ones in my head were already giving me a headache.
I go through the report again though. The picture seems to be taken on a phone.
Apparently fan taken

Aish I can't-
But, that means that no one was actually following us. So it was someone who recognised him and sent this in.

The door to the apartment is now guarded by an inconspicuous man, who lets me in with a nod. I find Namjoon on the sofa, talking on the phone. He gets up and wraps me in a hug before leading me back to the sofa. I sit there next to him for a while before deciding to make myself useful. I come back with two cups of coffee.
He's disheveled.
I'm no better.
Putting down the phone he ruffles his hair before taking the coffee.

He sighs

"Is it.....bad?"

"I mean, your identity was exposed to the entirety of the world, so you're not a private citizen anymore. I should think that's pretty bad-"

"You know I'm not talking about that"

He takes a sip of his coffee before continuing "My manager will be here soon. You'll need to talk to PD nim too. We need to figure it all out. Will you get your stuff here? Moving back and forth will be a waste of time"

I almost yell at him in sheer exasperation at his avoidance of my questions.

"Everything's packed, I can go right about now-" I decide to say instead

"Oh if everything's packed I'll send one of the staff to get it then"

I give him my apartment keys as he instructs them

He's incredibly calm.
I know what that calm is.
It's the calm that's barely holding you together as a million thoughts whirr through your head.

I decide to stop talking and instead sit next to him instead, wrapping my arm around his shoulder.

"We'll figure it all out" I whisper

"It was bound to happen, just not so soon..." He said tiredly as he dropped his head in his hands.

We just sit there, trying to make sense of all this.

Namjoon's POV

Oh my god. Sheesh. Why. WHY

"Namjoon-ah... Don't worry. We'll fix this. Don't worry. Please stay calm. I'm coming by soon. I'll be there in a couple of hours since I started when we got a tip off anyway. We have a couple of explanations for the fans and media anyway- okay? Don't worry!" My manager tries to reassure me. He's seen me panic before.

"Call the guys will you? They're constantly asking me about you. I think you need to talk to them"

"Yeah okay I will..."

I call the guys and they're trying to get my spirits up
"Hyung! She said yes?! Yay!!"

"Yah! Namjoon! We can figure this out!"

"Don't worry hyung. Don't worry please..."

"These things happen! It's okay! We'll work it out! You know we always work it out"

She walks in as I'm talking. I pull her in a hug, which instantly calms me down. She soon gets up and makes us coffee, placing jam sandwiches on the table as well

Always thoughtful

I say goodbye to the guys and take a sip of my coffee.

There's too much going on in my head and she seems to understand that as she comes and leans her head against my shoulder as I drop my head in my hands.
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Coincidences |A Namjoon FF | (completed✓)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora