Barb's Rage

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On Barb's Angler Bus, the Hard Rock Trolls were partying to loud rock music non-stop. Willow just sat on a couch by herself, not quite sure if she should say something or not. She was Pop, these guys were Rock, what could she say to them?

"Hey," Ash said suddenly, sitting next to her as she held a six-pack. "Wanna soda?"

"I've never had it before, but okay," Willow accepted, taking a sip from the can and swallowing it before she could spit it out in disgust. "Ugh, tastes terrible. But at the same time, I want more."

Ash laughed a little. She grabbed a can, shook it real hard, and once it was open, she sprayed the glittery fizz all over her fellow Rockers, and they just loved it.

"Give it up for my sister!" Barb cheered as Ash poured what was left of her soda all over her body. Willow watched as the brown, carbonated liquid dripped down Ash's beautiful skin, her orange hair was now messier than before. Willow couldn't look away. Ash sat back down on the couch and smiled coyly at the Pop Troll, who felt like she was going to have a heart attack, her wings threatening to pop out of her back.

Suddenly, they all noticed something sparkly and cute flying into the bus. It took Barb a moment to realize what it was.

"Wait, is that... Debbie?!" Barb asked in horror as the bat flew up to her, and she gave her a comforting hug. "No! What did they do to you, my hairy little baby?! Come here, come here, come here..."

"Gnarly," Riff said quietly.

"I see your pet met my friend Poppy," Willow figured as King Thrash mumbled something. Barb noticed Debbie holding an envelope with her feet.

"What is this? Pop Trolls?" Barb asked herself as she ripped it open with her mouth and opened up a card shaped like an ice cream cone.

Dear Barb

Can't wait to meet U

I have tons of great party ideas

Maybe U & I can even be


"Best friends?" Barb repeated, baffled. "Is she making fun of me?! No one says that! Friendship takes time and years of mutual care and respect. You don't just become best friends!"

"Then you don't know Poppy like I do," Willow said. "She got our entire village to be friends with creatures that eat Trolls. And while she was at it, got 'em to stop eating Trolls."

"Wow, that's impressive!" Ash admitted.

"Well, no one's stopping me from eating what I want," Barb said in defiance. It seemed to Willow she wasn't a very good listener. "Plus, everyone knows I already have a ton of friends. Like Carol. Right, Carol?"

Carol didn't answer, she just stuffed her face with spray cheese.

"Okay, you're busy. That's fine. Love you, Carol."

Willow noticed the Rock queen's face fall. She tried to reach out to feel something from her with her power of empathy, but before she could, Barb noticed a fuse burn out on the card. Willow knew exactly what was going to happen.

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