Chapter XXI: Lectures and Levitation

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I felt an exhausted sigh threaten to escape as I turned around to face my tormentor. For nearly two weeks the girl I had rescued from Dudley and his friends had been bothering me nonstop. Every morning at school she would find me and greet me with a big hug, and every time lunch came about she would be waiting right outside my classroom. I'm not even sure how she found out which classroom was mine.

Lisa,” I said, staring at the brunette with a blank look. “What do you—gurk.” A choked noise escaped my throat as Lisa hugged me tightly. I really should have expected this, yet for some reason, the action still caught me off guard. Fortunately, she let go moments later, though I could tell from how my face felt like it had caught fire that I was still blushing.

What was that for?” I hissed. Lisa just smiled at me.

That was my good morning greeting,” she said as if it should be obvious, which it obviously wasn't. “Good morning.”

You already said that,” I mumbled irritably. I really didn't know what to make of this girl. Ever since that time with Dudley and his ilk she'd been clinging to me like glue. I'd tried ditching her several times and told her off exactly 365 times, but nothing I said or did worked. She continued following me like some kind of faithful puppy. It was extremely annoying.

Well, I'm saying it again,” Lisa declared almost proudly. “And I'll say it a million more times until you say good morning too.”

I pinched the bridge of my nose to stem the coming migraine and pondered what to do. I couldn't just be rude and terrible to her—I refused to do something that had even a chance of sending me back down that dark path I'd escaped from—but politely trying to deny her friendship didn't seem to be working.

Guess there was no helping it.

Good morning, Lisa,” I said, averting my eyes. The way her eyes seemed to sparkle disturbed me.

You finally did it!” The girl cheered. “Yes!” Before I had a chance to sneak off, Lisa linked arms with me. “And now that we're friends you can walk me to my class.”

What?” I mumbled in shock before Lisa began dragging me behind her. “H-hold up, I never said anything about us being friends!”

Of course you did,” she chided, smiling brightly at me. “Just now you greeted me like a friend would. That makes us friends.”

It does not!”

Now, to class!”

Let go of me! Lisa!”


“The levitation charm was first invented in the sixteenth century with Jarleth Hobart being credited as its creator, though he had actually mistaken it for a flying spell rather than a simple charm that let him levitate objects into the air. He had been so caught up in his own euphoria at thinking he could fly that on July fifteenth fifteen-forty-four he somehow managed to convince a large number of witches in wizards, including the, at the time, Chief Warlock of the Wizeongamot to see his... 'maiden voyage.'”

Harry's small lecture/story on the Wingardium Leviosa was interrupted by a stifled giggle from Hannah Abbot and a loud laugh from one Tracey Davis. The two had asked him for help on their Charms essay as Charms was their weakest subject. Well, Charms was Hannah's weakest subject, Tracey was just horrible at writing essays period—she was good at charms though.

Giving the pair a grin, Harry waited until their laughter died down, purposefully ignoring the baleful glare sent his way by the librarian, one Madam Pince.

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