Chapter XXII: Quidditch Try-Outs

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 Harry sped down the many halls of Hogwarts, cursing himself for having lost track of time. This had never happened before. Harry had always been a very punctual person. A part of having eidetic memory and quite possibly the worst case of OCD ever recorded was that his internal clock always knew what time it was. Always.

Well, that may be a bit of an exaggeration. He would sometimes lose track of time when he was with Lisa, but those were instances where he was finished with everything and had nothing to do for the rest of the day except to spend time with his best friend, so it didn't matter. It was pretty much time he allowed to slip by him so it was alright.

This, nearly missing out on something he had been expecting for the past few weeks because he lost track of time, was not something he had expected or allowed.

Growling to himself, Harry put such thoughts out of his mind and tore down the stairs, taking them four, five, sometimes even six or seven at a time. He could feel his magic working through his legs as he used his unique ability to reinforce himself in order to counteract the possible damage he might receive for jumping several sets of stairs at once, as well as to speed up his pace.

He reached the bottom very quickly, and his feet had scarcely touched the floor when he pushed himself into another sprint.

Harry tore his way out of the Entrance Hall and zoomed across the grassy landscape of Hogwarts, making his way to the large Quidditch Pitch.

The Hogwarts Quidditch Pitch was large, nearly three times the size of a football field. Stands rose into the sky on all sides, each one decorated with the colors of one of the four Houses. Spectators sat in the low walls built in between the stands, while Harry assumed the teachers sat in the high stands for better viewing.

Lush green grass met his feet as he stepped out onto the field. Six large hoops, three on either side of the Pitch, loomed overhead.

Harry could see the crowd of those who were trying out had already gathered. He recognized all them thanks to his perfect memory. The Quidditch captain, he noted, was not there. Good. It meant he had made it in time.

A few of them stood out more than others, chief among them being the two Weasley twins, Fred and George Weasley. He also recognized Angelina Johnson and Alicia Spinnet, both students in their third year. Angelina was an attractive witch with dark skin, black hair and brown eyes, while Alicia had olive-colored skin and brown hair and eyes.

Amongst the others he could easily make out Katie Bell, an athletic looking and attractive second year witch with dirty blond hair and doe-like brown eyes. She often hung out with Angelina and Alicia. With her, he also recognized Cormac McLaggen, Carl Hopkins, David Norton, and Jason Swann, all second years looking to try out.

As Harry made his way towards the group, Fred and George Weasley spotted him from where they were huddled together, no doubt plotting something devious.

The pair grinned as soon as they saw him, and drew the eyes of the others towards them as they walked over to Harry.

“Well, if it isn't young Harrikens out for a stroll.”

“Have you come to cheer us on during our try outs?”

Harry's lips twitched into an amused smile. He really was rather fond of the two trouble makers. In his mind, the Weasley twins were upholding his father's tradition of causing mischief around the school, something he could not do since it would ruin his sterling reputation as an upstanding and helpful student.

“Watch you guys try out?” Harry asked with a playful scoff. “Do you really think I would be here to cheer you two troublemakers on? No.” He shook his head and adopted a pompous look. “I am here to try out for the Seeker position.”

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