Chapter One: Council of the Stars

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The year is 2316. Planet Earth has gone through a revelation, having now been independent from their extraterrestrial watchers for over two-hundred years. Once the humans regained their planet, they established absolute peace and unity for all people and crowned their champion as King of Earth. With this victory, Earth's true history was revealed and hidden allies have come to the forefront. As Terra - the ancient name given to Earth - proved themselves to finally be worthy, the Ancients invited them to join the Council of the Stars.

King Alric, a descendant of the first Terran king is the representative of his solar system in the Milky Way Galaxy of Sector Four. He is one of the few trying to preserve peace in the galaxy after a series of attacks has left the council divided. An emergency meeting was held.

In a nearby solar system, a fleet of large aircrafts are gaining entryway onto Planet Ovyxnoya. Uniformed Voldmerhian pilots begin communicating with the receiving port.

"Import cargo 21-73648 of Voldmehr has accessed the Ovynoyan atmosphere. Requesting safe passageway to Dock Ovyxnor 24347. Awaiting confirmation." says the pilot.

Suddenly the cargo ships are surrounded by unmarked, mysterious aircrafts.

"Unmarked aircraft have entered the vicinity. Unmarked aircraft, please state your allegiance and purpose."

"No aircrafts have been granted authority to enter the atmosphere." replies the Ovyxnoyan receivers.

Suddenly the unmarked crafts unleash hellfire onto the cargo ships.


The main cargo ship blows up, the others follow.

"You were supposed to secure safe passage for all import ships to Ovyxnoya!" yelled Emperor Jolzen as the screen behind them replays footage of the attacks that recently transpired. "We were attacked as soon as we entered your atmosphere!"

"And that gives you the right to attack our exports in retaliation?!" answered Variya, Queen of Ovyxnoya.
"So you admit fault! This is treason!" yells Jolzen.

"I do no such thing. Our kingdoms have been allies for millennia. Our people have not forgotten your aid in-"

"Save me from your pity, Variya! No one else has access to your atmosphere! It couldn't have been mere PIRATES as your people so claim! This is an act of WAR!" shouts Jolzen as he furiously slams his fist onto the table.

Alric and Waziv, King of Otradj and longtime ally to Terra look at each other and chime in.

"Jolzen, let's be civil here. The Ovyxnoyans owe their freedom to Voldmehr. Why would they attack your ships?" asks Waziv.

Alric continues Waziv's statement. "We here all understand the amount of resources and LIVES lost on account of these attacks. We trust that neither of these attacks were a direct result of either of your orders. Piracy has begun to rise in our sector-"

"Yes, and it makes that an easy target to blame." continues King Rez of Zirno.

They all turn and look at him quizzically.

"What I mean to say is there may be something else brewing here. What kind of pirates have the technological advancements to evade the defenses of both Voldmehr and Ovyxnoya? Two great powers."

"Precisely! This is why we are convinced Ovyxnoya purposely planned the attack! What is it you want from us? Bloodshed is not something we, Voldmehrians shun-" yells Jolzen.

"Is that a threat, Jolz—" Variya is interrupted.


All nine representatives of Sector Four pause and turn their heads to listen to Mateh, King of Zedari, the most senior member of this council and has direct contact with the Universal Governance.

"Both Voldmehr and Ovyxnoya claim no part in these attacks. It is clear nothing will be accomplished here. A mediation will have to take place. Hasteeb will serve as host."

Sheesta, Queen of Hasteeb nods in accordance.

Mateh continues, "Terra, Otadj, and Zirno, along with Hasteeb will act as primary mediators and judges."

They all agree. Mateh stands. His assistant rushes to his side.

"I will see you all in 3 universal cycles. Peace shall be maintained within the galaxy during this time." He says as he looks at both Jolzen and Variya. He exits. Jolzen follows shortly thereafter, visibly frustrated.

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