Chapter 2: The Might of Planet Hasteeb

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The three cycles - known as weeks in Earth time - have now past and the time has come to reconvene on planet Hasteeb. King Alric has prepared for a long stay as mediations can sometimes take cycles to complete. With him is his Royal Family. His wife is Queen Stanza, a mighty warrior and Lead General of Earth's Imperial Forces. She is the first woman in history to serve as both Queen and General simultaneously. At a young age she grew in ranks and became one of the youngest generals in Earth's history. As such she had been dubbed the Goddess of War. Once the people of Earth discovered that she was to be crowned Queen to their beloved King Alric, the streets were filled with joy and jubilation.

Along with them is their young son, Prince Anastasz, heir to the Terran throne. At only six years of age he has already developed a penchant for battle and a cunning ability that most adults don't attain until their prime. In order to further develop his mental capacity, King Alric entrusted his friend, and Chancellor of the Realm, Iannes as Anastasz's private tutor.

The Queen comes from a noble family. While she decided to enter the Imperial Forces her sister, Elia decided to take on politics. Here she met her husband, Deimos the top politician within the galaxy. He along with others within Sector Four have been called upon to lend their services to this mediation as well. They brought with them their young son, Aleksentari who will soon be turning four years of age.

Anastasz excitedly looks out the window with his young cousin. Both have bewilderment in their eyes. This is their first time off Earth – at least that they can remember. All the new colors and shapes within the nature of this new planet. It's like a brand-new playground. The aircraft slows down as it reaches the port, it begins to hover as people the size of ants in their vantage point scramble below.

 The aircraft slows down as it reaches the port, it begins to hover as people the size of ants in their vantage point scramble below

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The ship lands as Sheesta is waiting below to greet her special guests. Alric and Stanza are first to come out, followed by Anastasz and Iannes. Elia, Deimos and Aleksentari follow.

Sheesta greets the royals with a traditional Hasteebian bow. One hand is on her chest while the other is outstretched in front of the royals.

"Welcome to my home, King Alric and Queen Stanza. I hope you will find your stay welcoming and accommodating." Says Queen Sheesta.

"Thank you, Sheesta. No need for the formalities." responds Alric.

"I am sure everything will be lovely. It is great to see you again." says Stanza.

Sheesta nods her head to Alric and Stanza and turns her attention to their son.

Little Anastasz looks up at Sheesta in wonder. Her large green eyes and skin with an orange hue are alien to him. His excitement can barely be contained.

"And this must be little Stasz! I've heard so much about you from your father." exclaims Sheesta.

"Really!?" says Anastasz excitedly.

"Anastasz . . . Where are your manners?" calmly asks Iannes.

Anastasz looks at his teacher and quickly nods as if taken by surprise. He turns his attention back to Sheesta.

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