Chapter 2

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Albin felt relieve, finally after three long day he's found someone who doesn't wants to kill him, but still Albin still have to take caution.

Albin: Nice to meet you Miss Enterprise. But may I ask... where the hell am I?

Albin (Thought): Wait a minute... Enterprise, that name is familiar

Enterprise stare at him curiously for a minute before answering.

Enterprise: You're in the pacific ocean and what kind of question is that. You said you're from the royal navy right? 

Albin: Webiruian Royal Navy. I'm not British.

Enterprise: What kind of faction is that?

Albin: What do you mean by faction?

Enterprise gave Albin a confuse look. Just how does he not know of any faction?

Enterprise: I mean who are you affiliated to. Royal Navy? Eagle Union? Sakura Empire? Or Iron Blood? 

Albin mind was racing faster than it ever has. Just what the actual hell is she talking about?!

Albin: Neither, but.... [looking at the destroyed Siren Ship], Who are they?

Enterprise: [shocked] You don't know anything about the Siren?!

Albin: So they're called the sirens ey.... interesting. but What are they though.

Enterprise: Hold up! Before I say anything else, I have my own question. Who exactly are you?!

Albin: ... 

Albin gave a slight thought of how he should proceed.

Albin: Alright... I'm HWMS Albin, First Nuclear-powered Aircraft carrier to be made outside the United Sates of America and First Nuclear-powered Aircraft carrier made in the Kingdom of Webiru. I was build in 1971, then was layer down in 1973 and was later commission in 1975, I served in 3 major conflicts so far. I have a displacement of 113,485 tonnes and top speed of 32.3 knots. I can carry over 70 aircraft and I could be out at sea for 25 years with out refuelling due to the fact that I'm a nuclear-powered ship. Is this enough information for you?

Enterprise comprehend how much information has when into her head

Enterprise: [sigh] yes that's enough information for me to trust you.

Albin: So then... can you please answer my question from before. Who are the Sirens and what's been happening here?

Enterprise: it was around September 3rd 1939, The sirens had appeared from outside of this world, with their vastly superior technologies, they easily push humanity out of the ocean.... To counter this unprecedented threat, Humanity organised a global alliance named 'Azur Lane'.  Together, we fought valiantly against the Sirens. Central to the formation of this grand alliance were four major camps.... they were, Eagle Union, Royal Navy, Iron Blood, and Sakura Empire.... After a long and desperate struggle, Azur Lane finally repelled the onslaught. 

Albin: I see.... You've been fighting them for a pretty long time.

Enterprise: Three years to be exact.    

With that said, Albin's mood the suddenly all shut down

Albin: [shocked] Th- three years?

Enterprise: Yeah... Why are you surprise?

Albin (Though): Have she listen to what I've said?! I was build in 1970! [mental sigh]  So I'm in back in time in an alternative world. Now that's interesting

Albin:  if you were listening, I've might head that I was build in 1970

Enterprise: [shocked] ... 

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