Chapter 5

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Earth- Atlantic Ocean
The sea was calm. There was nothing to be seen, only the sound of the waves crashing to the mighty ship that is currently at the vast Atlantic Ocean.

HWMS Redemption- a battleship that was commissioned in the late 1930's to counter the Germans pocket battleships. It played a massive role in the battle on the Atlantic in the defence of British convoys, Participated in D-Day by helping to bombard Gold beach, And Engaged in the late battle against the Imperial Japanese in the Pacific theatre.

It serves the Webïrúian Navy well up to 1967 where it was Decommissioned and was turned into a museum piece. But eventually the ship would see action again when the Navy decided to retrofit the Battleship for modern warfare.

The old 40mm Octuple-cannons was removed altogether, the 20mm guns was removed and was replaced by a new electronic design and the Duel-purpose 5inch guns, then was replaced by OTO Melara 76 mm Navel gun and the Phalanx CIWS. The D turret was removed in favour of a missiles launchers and more CIWS system. The 15inch Main gun also went some modernisation as it now doesn't require a massive crew to operate the cannons. Instead it was all done mechanically as it was redesigned as a auto-loader, reducing the reload rate of one round every 40 seconds to under 5 seconds, (Or 12 rounds a minute).

This redesign was completely just in time to participate in the gulf war, Where it supported The coalition landings in Kuwait.

Currently the ship is investigating the last know location of the Albin. The disappearance of the Albin was an economic and moral blow to the Webïrúian Navy and her nation. It was the first of it's class a can not be replaced by anything else for a very long time.

Captain Andie Müller is determined to find the missing Carrier. Even after explaining to navel high command of the incident, they still believed was sunk. It a possible explanation but But deep in Andie heart he know it not true.

Outside on the tall mast of the ship, a young office was searching the vast ocean with his binoculars, trying to see anything that looks like the missing carrier. But as he suddenly saw something out of the ordinary.

Officer: CIC, Be advised, I've I'm seeing multiple large vessels, northeast of our position.

CIC officer: Negative, We've got nothing on our radar.

Then one of the CIC crew then ran up the operator.

Radar operator: Sir, we've got multiple blips on radar. Four vessels heading towards us.

CIC Officer: What!?

Radar operator 2: Sir! Vessels launched multiple aircraft at our ship. Should we....

Then an explosion rocked the whole ship.

Back in the bridge, the Captain hastily woke up to the static noises from his headphones, he was still affected by concussion which affected his sight and he's ears ring as loud as it could. All he could see was just blurry silhouette as it got closer, the person then took off Müller's Headphones.

???: "Captain... Captain... CAPTAIN!"

Müller hear the angry but desperate voice calling him and look towards the person who shouted at him, it was Midshipman. John Williams.

Williams: Captain! We're under attack!

Audie saw multiple dead and wounded men in the bridge as another explosion occurred and that was when the Captain hastily got up only to find that the Bridge is a mess. Müller then rushes to the window only to see a massive ship shooting at them. With their large calibre guns and he could also see some aircraft approaching them.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2021 ⏰

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