chapter 1

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I wasn't having a good time. The bar that we decided to hang out in was way too crowded, too loud and was basically smothering me. I twirled the straw in my mimosa and pretended to be interested in what Jill was saying which was a detailed anecdote of two of her co-workers having a forbidden office affair.

'Our office has a non-fraternizing policy so it's all the more exciting,' she said. Exciting for whom? She seemed more excited to me. I didn't really know Jill. Elyse met her at her yoga class and invite her. Elyse, my best friend was really bad at finding a good company. It would be far better if it was just us hanging out together. Elyse seemed to realize this too. She gave me an apologetic look as Jill babbled on and mouthed sorry.

I shook my head at her.

'Don't look now but a really hot guy is checking you out,' Elyse said giving me a devilish grin.

Those kinds of sentences usually followed with the person doing the exact thing they were told not to do and I was no different. I looked at where she was looking and caught the eyes of the stranger who was apparently checking me out. The stranger didn't look away as one does at being caught staring. Instead, he kept on holding my gaze. I couldn't look away.

'Oh shit,' Jill said when she accidentally spilled her drink. I jumped up but the front of my dress was already soaked. I frowned at the growing stain. It was never coming off.

'I'm so sorry!' she stood up and started fussing over my dress.

'It's alright!' I said, mostly so she would stop.

'That ain't coming off,' Elyse remarked, sipping her drink.

'Thanks for the info, El,' I said. I looked down at my dress again and frowned. It was one of my favorite dresses and Noah loved it. 'I'm just gonna go to the restroom and see if it can be salvaged,' I said.

'No chance of that,' Elyse quipped. But in her eyes, was a question which I understood clearly. I smiled, my eyes telling her that I'd be fine.

'Again, thanks for the vote of confidence,' I replied and turned away before Jill could offer to come with. She looked like she wanted to take off my dress to wash it and give it back, good as new.

'Anytime,' El said.

The stain was definitely not coming off. All I managed was to make it look bigger and uglier. I groaned in frustration and threw the crumpled tissues in the bin.

I took deep calming breaths. It was a ruined dress, not the end of the world. And thank heavens, not my wedding dress. I would have a legit heart attack if anything happened to it. This train of thought reminded me of all the things that aren't done and put me in a bride panic. So much to do and so little time! One thing at a time, Gen, I reminded myself.

I paid attention to the problem at hand. If I wear my coat the stain wouldn't show. I'd just have to make my way back and sit without anyone paying too much attention to my dress.

I reapplied my makeup and left the restroom. I was busy texting Noah that I would be home soon so I didn't see where I was going until I almost collided with a person. If it wasn't for that person I would've plastered my face on the wall. Why couldn't I walk straight? I wasn't even drunk. I looked up, words of apology already on my lips. But they died and my heart gave a little leap of fear. It was the same stranger who was supposedly checking me out. It seemed like he was waiting for me.

His demeanor screamed insolence and I was yet to hear a word that came out of his mouth. He wore dress pants, blue shirt with a tie that was currently loose with the top button of his shirt undone and a black jacket. He appraised me with the same cold gaze and a shiver ran up my spine. Shady strangers induced fear in me.

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