chapter 21

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I was again jobless, but at least I could rent an apartment now. The day I left Alexis' apartment, I shamelessly came to Elyse's, and Elyse being the nicest person she was, took me in with opened arms.

I didn't know how Mason, her husband, felt about having me as a never leaving guest in his house, but he was always friendly. I never felt like he wanted me gone when I was around them.

At least, Mark was very vocal about liking me being there. Said he never wanted me to leave. He even offered to share his room with me so I didn't have to sleep on the couch again, but unfortunately, his bed was too small for both of us.

Two weeks without Alexis shouldn't put me in such an anxious mood all the time. But it did. I had become accustomed to having him around. It felt strangely empty without him near me. It didn't feel this way when I left Noah. I didn't feel like something was amiss. I had only spent a few months with him, I told myself. I shouldn't be missing him. Or his very rare smile,

I sighed as I stirred my coffee. I was in the same coffeehouse I'd met Alexis all those weeks ago. It felt like a lifetime had passed. I hadn't seen or even heard from him since the day I left his apartment.

I was waiting for an agent to show me some apartments, but I didn't need to choose this specific café. I could've stayed at Elyse's and left only when it was time. Maybe subconsciously, I was hoping that I would meet him here again.

But that wasn't going to happen, so I might as well get on with my life.

The apartments that he showed me were nice, but they weren't as good as Alexis'. I scoffed mentally. Alexis lived in a freaking penthouse. Of course, his apartment was better. I didn't find any that I loved so the real estate agent made another appointment to show me a few more.

Elyse called me while I was on the way back to ask me if I could get toilet paper because Mark tp'ed the whole bathroom. I told her I would get it and made a small trip to Walmart.

It wasn't easy to get around the city if you didn't have a car, but thankfully the shop wasn't far.

Standing near the counter, awkwardly with a pack of toilet rolls wasn't so bad, but it became worse when I saw Noah on the other aisle.

I looked the other way, hoping he hadn't seen me. I surreptitiously glanced at him. He had bought a lot of stuff. I waited for him to leave. It was better if he didn't see me. I could do without another confrontation.

A part of me wanted to soak him in ketchup for doing what he did. If he could only stay faithful to me, none of this Alexis crap would've happened. We would be preparing for our first thanksgiving as a married couple.

Just before he left, he saw me and did a double-take. I averted my eyes, hoping he wouldn't approach me.

After billing was done, I made my way to the entrance. I didn't know if Noah had left. I didn't look.

I looked at the open parking lot and felt as if I just got freedom. I was strangely happy to have escaped him.

'Gen.' A voice called from behind me and my smile turned sour. I had celebrated early.

I slowly turned to face Noah. I didn't know what I had expected to feel. Pain, maybe. Loss? I didn't feel any of that. Just sadness which had faded a lot since before.

'Hi,' I said.

I wasn't going to be rude to him or scream at him. I was going to handle it like an adult. Should I key his car or puncture his tires?

'Walk with me?' he said and started walking towards his car.

I didn't owe him anything but maybe I should hear him out or something. To get closure.

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