Chapter Eight

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*Layla's POV*

       "Why are you looking at that box of tampons like it carries some form of radioactive disease?? You know, without menstrual cycles you wouldn't be here today to judge me for buying a shit ton of tampons," I ranted to the scrawny, pubescent boy checking me out. He awkwardly stared back at me in slight shock.

"Sorry.. I've had a long day and incase it wasn't clear I'm on my period which is a dangerous combo for anyone involved," I rambled, grabbing all the cash I had left in my wallet and handing it to him.

"You're 3 cents short," he said and looked back up at me. My face fell as I looked once again in my wallet, which was as empty as the last time I checked it, 5 seconds ago. How was I already out of pocket money?

"Can you please just let me off with the three cents? I pinkie promise I'll pay it back next time.. and my pinkie promises are blood-binding," I asked, reaching my pinkie out to him. He just looked between me and my pinkie, sighing and not returning the favor. "Or I could just stay here and vent to you about all the bountiful costs and unjustifiable financial demands of a female's monthly menstrual cycl-"

"Fine. It's fine just go, please," he begged, not wanting to hear me talk anymore. I gave him a cheeky smile.

"Thanks. You're the best," I kept the accomplished smile on my face as I grabbed the box and left without a bag. As soon as I got out of the store, I sighed and breathed in the fresh air on the way back to my car.. or Eli's car to be more exact. His parents told me that I could use it while Ashton was off at college.

When I got into the car, I threw the box of tampons into the passenger's seat and started the engine. I turned up the radio almost all the way and pulled out of the parking lot. I drove for a little while, flicking the stations around.

Once I pulled back into our little driveway, I shut the car off and checked the time. Ah shit. I left the box of tampons in the passenger's seat and ran into my house, throwing my keys on the counter and grabbing my skateboard.

Once I was back on the sidewalk, I pushed off the ground and started towards Jake's bus stop. I decided to give Ashton a call to annoy him, cuz why not.

"Hello," he answered.

"Hiiiii," I responded, "guess what?"

"What?" He asked after sighing. These phone calls were a pretty regular occurrence.

"I taught myself how to skateboard," I told him excitedly, trying to not wipe out as I went along.

"Congrats," he said, extremely uninterested.

"Thanks. Hey maybe I should move to Malibu, bleach my hair, learn to surf, and find a nice surfer-sugar-daddy," I continued, arriving at the bus stop and kicking my skateboard up. The ground was hot when I sat down on it.

"What?" He asked. Ashton was never one to understand my chaotic rambles. "Whatever, how's Jake doing?"

"I'm waiting at the bus stop right now for him, but I'm guessing he's the same as he was when you saw him yesterday at his appointment," I laid back in the ground and looked up at the sky.

"Oh ya, I forgot to ask yesterday but how's everything going in terms of money?" He asked. Uh..

"Good, good," I lied.

"That didn't sound convincing."

"It's just my sarcastic nature that's throwing you off.. everything's fine. Your paychecks are paying for the mortgage and Eli's parents are helping me out with his car-" I started listing.

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