Chapter Twelve

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        "Shit. it's not gonna come out is it?!" Scarlett put her hands over her face as Savanah examined the wad of gum in her hair.

"Just sit still and hand me the peanut butter," Savanah replied calmly, reaching out for scarlet to hand it to her.

"Peanut butter?? What the hell are you going to do with peanut butter?" Scarlet asked, both confused and concerned at the same time. Savanah just rolled her eyes.

"You've seriously never had gum stuck in your hair before?" Savanah grabbed the peanut butter herself and began putting on Scarlet's hair.

"Ew ew ew ew ew is this gonna dye my hair?" Scarlet remained (not) calm.

"No, Scar, the peanut butter is not going to dye your hair. This'll take a little while though, so calm the hell down and let me work here," Savanah answered, and Scarlet nodded her head with a frown.

I was laying down on my bed, scrolling through my phone and watching the two of them trying to sort this issue out. It was quite entertaining, actually.

"I guess now is as good a time as ever to tell you guys this news, but, uh," Scarlet randomly began to bring something up, catching both Savanah and I's attention. "Eli and I broke up."

"What??? Why? What happened?" I asked, immediately sitting up.

"Do I have to beat him up cuz I told him when you guys started dating that if he hurt you I'd beat him u-" Savanah started.

"No- no, guys," she chuckled. "It's not like that at all. I know there are always those couples that say 'it was mutual' but everyone knows it wasn't really mutual and they secretly had mad beef.. but this is genuinely a mutual breakup. We just want the best for each other is all- I mean besides, I was essentially just rebounding to him from Mason, and he was rebounding to me from-" she stopped talking and looked at me. "Well- you know."

"Yeah," I fell back more on my bed. "I know."

"That's it. Love is dead," Savanah chimed back in, still working on Scarlet's hair.

"No, not yet.. we still have Crystal and Ashton going strong," Scarlet countered, and I chuckled. "I'm sure Eli's already moved on to another girl as amazing as yours truly."

"I wonder who the lucky girl is," Savanah said sarcastically, clearly not caring. "I can't promise you that I won't make group situations uncomfortable by me being mad at him," she added.

"Vanah, please just trust me on this one," Scarlet chuckled, "don't be mad at Eli, we still care about each other and we're not going to make group situations weird at all- so you shouldn't either."

"Whatever," Savanah replied nonchalantly.

"So what's up with you and Justin?" I asked Savanah, and she shrugged.

"Eh, same old. I'm not pregnant so far, so that's good," she informed us and we chuckled. "We watched the sunset the other night at that beach close by and it was nice."

"We should see about going back up to his lodge sometime, that was fun," Scarlet suggested.

"Mm- was it?" I joked, referring to the unnecessary drama that unfolded there.

"Oh yeahhh that's when we found out that both of our mans kissed Crys," Savanah let out a laugh and I felt my face heating up, embarrassed every time someone brought it up. Scarlet joined in on the laughter.

"I mean for real though, do you have a 'kiss me' sign on your forehead or something," Scarlet joked, and I sarcastically laughed.

"And if so can you let me borrow it perhaps," Savanah added and I threw a pillow at them.

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