Chapter 12 | Sophie

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THE SONG HAS NO-NO (Curse words) WORDS IN IT! Just saying, thought you should know.

Sophie couldn't shake off the feeling and tossed and turned all night. At around eleven at night, she made her decision. Biana was snoring soundly across the room, good. She won't be a problem then. Sophie threw on a white hoodie and black leggings and slipped out the door.

The route to Fitz's dorm was one she'd memorized from the many times she'd been there. Keefe was also in that dorm, but since the incident on the island, they mostly avoided each other. For the first few months he kept on trying to apologize, she wanted to forgive him. but that required talking, and she didn't quite know how to say it.

Knock, knock, knock. All noise died down from inside, the door didn't open. "Fitz?" 

A moment's pause. "Yeah?"

A female giggle came from inside the room, and a girl opened the door. Linh. One of Biana's friends was standing there in the doorway, her hair was all messed up as is someone had been running their hands through it for hours, all she was wearing was an oversized shirt—Fitz's shirt, she realized. Sophie felt a familiar sinking feeling in her gut. 

"Is Fitz there?" Sophie said her voice surprisingly steady considering what very likely was happening. Anger was swirling in a flurry of not-so-polite words under her skin.

"I don't see how that's any of you're buis—" Linh started saying before Sophie rolled her eyes and shoved her way into the dorm. 

Fitz was also there, his hair was also messed up, he was missing a shirt—interesting. "Sophie it's not what it looks like."

Sophie had seen enough movies that when someone said 'it's not what it looks like,' it is one hundred percent what it looks like. "Oh? So what is it then?" She said, not even trying to hide the bitterness in her tone.

His mouth opened in closed like a fish, no sound coming out as he tried to make up an excuse for—for cheating on her. What sicko does that? 

"I...It's—I just—"

"Save it," Sophie said bitterly, and walked out of the dorm, slamming the door behind her with a fury she couldn't contain. 

A second time. A second damn time he cheated on her—did Keefe know about this? He did try to talk her once last week, she just gave him a fun idea of what he could do with himself and gave him a rather vulgar gesture. Had he been trying to tell her about this? It made her feel a bit guilty, she hadn't even given the poor boy a second to speak when he'd reached out.

She ran down the steps, not even bothering to be quiet. The white marble stones made hardly any noise anyways when you're wearing sneakers. She sat down on the lowest stair on the cold marble surface. Sophie didn't know how long she sat there crying on the cold surface. She barely registered the sound of someone approaching her, their feet walking with surprising grace.

The person took a seat beside her, and she immediately knew who it was, not from looking, but from the voice; "Hey Foster," 


"Hey," She replied, brushing the tears off of her face with a hand, "Why are you here?"

"I heard what happened."

Of course, he did—he heard about everything, and she didn't particularly want to know how he did it. 

"And for what it's worth, I don't think he deserved you anyway." Keefe continued.

Fresh tears slipped down her face, "Well then why is this the second time it's happened?"

Keefe clenched his fists to the point his knuckles turned a pale shade of white, "What?"

"You didn't know?"


"You didn't know?"

He couldn't say he did, Fitz Vacker, aka the world's evilest squirrel, cheated on the same girl twice. Impressive, he didn't cheat on the same girl more than once.  "Whoa—back the T-rex up—twice? What's goin' on in that squirrel's head?"



"Want revenge?"

She looked at him, her deep brown eyes full of questions she knew she didn't need to say to communicate. 

"On Fitz I mean," He clarified, "Think, what would make him really mad."

No response. Keefe sighed, "You really aren't good at this whole 'plotting revenge thing' Foster."

Still quiet, although it definitely made him wonder if she was plotting something evil—just in her head.

"...What if we fake date?"

Her head snapped up so fast he thought it might fly off her shoulders, "What?" She barked.

"It would make him really mad, especially seeing that the very day you broke up with him—you were with someone else—imagine how pissed he'll be," Keefe said tearing a hand through his blonde hair. "God, this is gonna be sweet!"

"I haven't even agreed yet—"

"I made the decision for you, Foster—I was very kind you know, taking the burden of saying yes off of your shoulders." He said, slinging an arm around her shoulders, "I think you and I are gonna have a lot of fun this year."

Who thinks this is my worst cliff hangar yet. The amount of votes is the number of people currently scheming ways to kill me for it. 

So what do you think about this chapter?

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