Chapter 21 | Sophie (again)

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Some minor intense language comin' up here.


Sophie refrained from laughing from where she had slipped back into bed and glanced to where the shrieking guy had shot up in bed. Their door burst open, and Biana sprinted in and doubled over panting. "I—came as fast as I—could," Her gaze drifted to Keefe. And tears started brimming in her eyes. "OH MY GOD! THAT IS THE BEST THING I HAVE EVER SEEN!" Then she stopped, with a devious grin on her face. Biana pulled out her phone, click. "I WILL MAKE SURE EVERYONE THOROUGHLY ENJOYS THIS!" Then she ran out without further comment.

Keefe looked highly pissed, "Sophie Elizabeth Foster, did you do this." It wasn't as much of a question as it was a statement.

Sophie gave him a devious grin, "If you didn't want to look like an idiot anymore, then don't push me in the pool anymore, idiot—and that's not blood, it's lipstick—which trust me, I know from experience—is much harder to wash out."

He looked like he was about to add something when Sophie continued; "So if you don't want that to stain, then haul ass into that sea and wash it out."

"It—it stains?"

"Takes ten minutes to fully stain, unless you want to dye your hair, I suggest you wash it out in the next two minutes."

Well that got him moving.


The resort was one usually reserved for the rich and famous, which both of them kinda were, so it had many classy places to have dinners. Earlier that day, Keefe had asked, no—demanded Sophie come with him to dinner. 

So here they were, getting dressed, Sophie applying a light layer of makeup to her face while she adjusted her dress. Sophie had been set on not bringing any clothes that were scratchy and uncomfortable. After all, why wear things when you know you're going to hate them? 

"Ready to go?" Keefe asked, extending out a hand.

"Isn't our reservation in like a half hour from now?" Sophie said with a raised eyebrow. 

"Yes, but Biana also wanted to talk to you."

" 'bout what?" Sophie asked suspiciously, "did you do something bad and she's now tattling?" It wasn't unlikely, it had happened in the past. A few times. Too many times.

"Now, now sweet little Foster, what could I possibly to to hurt anyone?" He said feigning innocent. "I'm just sweet little innocent Keefie who wouldn't harm a fly."

"The way you act in your football games begs to differ."

"Does it now?" There was a moment's pause. "You see, football is about scoring touchdowns by any means necessary—"

"Even a little tackling?"

"I didn't become Quarterback for nothing you know." He said ripping off his shirt flexing his arm muscles, which were quie impressive is she was to tell the truth, he caught her gaze and smirked. "Enjoying the view?"

"Immensely," Sophie replied with an expert eye-roll. "Don't want to leave Biana waiting," She said before taking off down the hall.

"I DON'T THINK SHE'LL KICK YOU IN THE BALLS FOR IT!" Keefe called back, shouting the words even with people right next door in the neighbouring rooms able to hear. But what he said was true, Biana had once tried to make a curfew for Sophie, and Keefe brought her back literally two minutes late and he received a growl and a swift kick to the balls. Sophie shut down any idea of a curfew after that, needing to go so far as threatening to kick Tam in the balls—she shut down the entire idea of a curfew after that, and never mentioned when Sophie got home too late. Sophie had no idea how she could even monitor those things when Biana lived in the dorm at Foxfire while Sophie lived with Keefe in an apartment like twenty kilometres away. Maybe she had a tracking beacon, or security cameras.


"Don't look so stressed, I'm not going to kill you or anything." Biana huffed from the couch.

Sophie lifted a brow, "You can't blame me for bing nervous, you're smiling—smiling, when you smile it usually means shit's about to go down."

Biana dismissed Sophie's comment with a lazy flick of her hand, "This is a big night. Be on your best behaviour."

Sophie choaked a little, effectively spraying water across the room. "My best behaviour? Mine? You're the one who got kicked out of the last night club we went to."

Biana frowned, as if the incident was no more then a little misunderstanding. "It's not my fault a girl stared too long at Tam and I needed to deal with it."

"Biana. You literally scratched her face—those fake nails hurt...a lot."

"She was the one who was practically undressing him with her eyes."

Sophie shook her head, "If you have nothing more that's useful to add, I really 'ought to get going."

"Oh, and—" Sophie tuned out the rest of what she was saying.


"What name is your reservation under?" The man working at the front asked, peering over his half-moon spectacles.

"Sencen—Keefe Sencen."

The old man flipped through his book, "Ah, Sencen, right there, our servers will be with you in a moment." 


Dinner was great, Keefe kept on making snide comments about all the old ladies wearing out-of-date clothes and makeup, which made Sophie laugh, which then turned a few heads.

"Want to go for a walk on the beach?" He asked.

Okay, this story is almost over, I have a few more chapters already planned out, so warning, only like 3 maybe possibly 4 left. 😱

So what do u think is going to happen next?

If u want a certain quote or line put into the story, (It doesn't need to be a real quote from the books, you can come up with one! The one I like the most wins.) comment here ->

TRUST FALL, sokeefe | ✔️Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt