Chapter 7 (Orphanage)

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I was waiting for school to be over. My body was really in so much pain. Two teachers have asked me what's wrong.

I hesitantly told them that I fell down my stairs.

I wanted to tell them the truth and get help, but the fear that they would not believe me and send me back to my father is enough to keep me quiet.

I was doodling in my notebook in maths lesson, drowning out whatever my teacher was saying.

Suddenly, the principal came into the classroom and talked to the teacher. They both turned and looked at me with pity.

I wondered what was wrong. My hands were twitching in anxiety and fear.

The principal called me out and escorted me to his office. He then gave me news that changed my life forever.

My father had gotten into an accident and was in coma.

I didnt know if I was sad or happy.

I was a mixture of emotions.

After all that he had done to me, he is still my father.

A small part of me still loves him and always will, no matter what.

Finally I was free, but I was also trembling in fear.

What if I go to an orphanage and got adopted by someone worse than him.

I started hyperventilating at the thought. I couldn't go through this again. My body barely survived my father's abuse.

Since I had no other guardians or relatives, I was definitely going to an orphanage.

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