Chapter 53 (Tattoos And Coming Out)

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Anastasia Rosaline Blade's POV

The past few days were kinda boring.

I woke up, ate breakfast with my brothers and then they would leave to school or their work.

I would go and water my plants and wait for someone to come back.

I did more drawings but I despised them.

They triggered so many bad memories but despite that I couldn't stop drawing.

After drawing I would fold the drawing paper and hide it in my journal.

And I would go and cut myself. With my  brothers not home, I spent hours in the toilet with my knife, daily.
I was getting more anxious day by day.

In another two days, I would be going to school and I hate the thought of going back to school.

I didn't want to be bullied again.

And thinking about all the boys and male teachers or workers there, made me have quite a few panic attacks.

Luckily, none of my brothers were home during my panic

Although, sometimes I wish they were home to help  me through it.

Today, my flowers grew a little.

I was so happy.

Once the twins came home from school, I ran to them to break the news.

However, there was another boy with them.

He was holding Xander's hand.

I quickly went to Xavier and squeezed near him.

My heart started pounding and my shoes looked very interesting.

"Hey, Hey Ana calm down" Xavier whispered running his hands through my hair.

"Anastasia" Xander called me, making me look at him.

"I want you to meet someone" Xander said.

"Hi. Im Grey. Im Xander's boy- Im the twins' bestfriend" Grey said.

I saw Xander and Grey give one another a sad smile.

"Actually Ana, could I talk to you for a sec?" Xander ask pulling me aside.

"Grey come on let's watch some TV" Xavier said to Grey.

Xander squatted down infront of me.

"I'm honestly terrified to tell you this. But you're my sister and I want you to know." Xander said looking deep in thought.

"It's alright if you're not comfortable to tell me whatever it is. You can take your time" I whispered to Xander, looking at his distressed face.

"Come on Xander, she's your sister, you can do this" Xander whispered to himself.

"Anastasia. Im gay and Grey is my boyfriend" Xander finally said.

He look intently at my face.

"Ok and what's the problem?" I asked confused.

"Ana, Im gay" Xander repeated.

"Yeah, that's alright. Is that what you were so scared to tell me about?" I asked Xander.

Xander nodded his head.

I gave him a big hug.

"You don't have to tell people you know. Being straight or gay is normal. It's not a big deal. You don't have to be scared and especially of my reaction. I don't judge people, Xander. Who cares if you love a boy, you're still my brother" I said, while hugging him.

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