Chapter 19 (Turn On The Lights Bro)

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Ace's pov(Eldest brother)

I was going back to my room after settling my Mafia stuff and businesses, when I heard Roman yelling.

It was fucking 4 in the morning why was this asshole shouting?

He yelled "What are you doing in my house? " to someone.

That could only mean one thing.

Somebody broke in.

I messaged my gang members saying 1-19-8. It was a code word to surround the house and that there was somebody inside and to be prepared incase they escaped.



Ambused,surround, house

I headed towards the yelling and saw Roman in the kitchen with all the lights off and pointing his gun to someone.

I heard footsteps and saw Xander, Xavier and Elijah behind me.

"What is going on" I asked, as I switched on the light.

Roman was pointing the gun at our sister.

Who looked fucking terrified. Her eyes were red and puffy with tears dripping down.

She was gasping for air.

After seeing Roman with the gun she blacked out.

Xander and Xavier were staring at the scene shocked.

Elijah ran to Anastasia and picked her up.

"What the fuck are you doing Roman? " I asked him, barely controlling my anger.

How could he point the gun at our fucking sister?

He looked at me with a guilt stricked face.

"I thought she was someone who broke in" he said.

"Fucking idiot she is so fucking small how could you not recognise her?" Xander said.

I messaged my gang members saying its a false alarm.

The boys started arguing with each other.

Roman saying how it was not his fault and Xander and Xavier scolding him for being so stupid.

Pretty ironic as Roman was the elder brother.

I got tired with their bickering.

"ENOUGH" I shouted.

"Elijah bring her to her room. We will talk to her after she wakes up" I said to him.

He nodded his head and walked away to put Anastasia in her room.

"Xander and Xavier clean up the glass and go to bed" I said.

"Why the fuck should we clean? " they said together.

"Just fucking clean it and dont test my patience" is shouted.

They quickly got to cleaning.

"Roman come, lets talk in my office" I said to him.

Xavier snickered while Xander told Roman to not die.

Once we were sitted in my office I asked him what happened, the full story.

"Ok so I just came back home from a morning run since I couldn't sleep, when I heard someone in the kitchen. I knew Xander and Xavier were sleeping and you were doing business. Elijah was also probably sleeping. So I went to check who was in the kitchen and didnt look like any of yall. I forgot about Anastasia. I shouted who was there a few times, I guess I scared her because she didn't reply. I was pointing the gun at her because I didn't know who it was. I didn't know if it was a intruder or what. As I moved nearer to her, she screamed and threw the glass cup at me and then you and the boys came down" he said in one breath.

"It didn't fucking occur to you to turn on the bloody lights? You gave our sister a fucking panic attack" I said to him

"I know, I know I fucked up ok? Im sorry" he said.

"You are going to apologise to Ana, you are going to say the gun is for protection and you didn't mean to point it at her" I said to him.

He nodded his head.

"Fucking think before you do shits now, we have a little sister. She deserves to live like a princess not be fucking pointed at with a gun and get a fucking panic attack." I said

"Im sorry Ace" he said.

"Your punishment is cooking breakfast later and you are giving me you all your car keys for 2 days. I mean it Roman, give me all your car keys. If you need to go somewhere you are going to have to ask for a ride from someone. This will teach you to use your brains before doing things" I said to him.

I knew how much he liked driving his cars. He barely asked rides from anyone since he got his licence.

He groaned but nodded.

I dont care that he is 20,he is still my younger brother and he deserves a punishment for scaring our bambina.


"Now fuck off to bed, you are giving me a headache" I said.

He nodded his head and went out.

I took a gulp of my bourbon and sighed.

Things you have to do when you have younger siblings

'Cazzo idioti mi faranno morire presto" I muttered to myself

(Fucking idiots going to make me die early)

I received a message from Elijah.

He said that he put Anastasia to bed and was going to sleep.

He also checked her for any head injury and found many cuts and bruises. Old ones.

There was also swellings on her head.

"Who could have did this? We're going to talk to Ana once she wakes up" I said to Elijah, over the phone.

"I'm not sure but yes. We have to talk to her. With her permission, I would like to give her a full body check up too" He said.

"Alright. Take care of her" I said, cutting the call.

Elijah was a doctor. He trained hard to achieve his dreams.

He could still shoot and fight well when we had mafia things to do but he could also help us when we got injuries so thats good thing.

I hope that my sister will be ok.

Author's note
Ok i wanted to make this chapter a little different and give yall another person's point of view.

I also tried to make it longer for yall.

Hope yall liked it.

Next chapter we will be back to Anastasia's POV.

Thanks for reading.
Love yalls
Xoxo Author Sel❤️

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