Chapter 8

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After that night, everything between Stefano and I seemed to change. It felt as if us and the children became a family. I loved the boys and I had become there mama. Never in my life have I felt that belong. In Nigeria, I felt like an outcast compared to the other girls, even where I lived girls had there cliques and groups but I never seemed to belong. After loosing my mom I felt like even more of an outcast. That's part of the reason I came to the States. 

Speaking of, in the last couple months I seemed to loose focus of the real reason I came to the states, fashion! Fashion was my passion and I wanted to work in the industry, however, as much as I love the boys, I seemed to lose my passion. I have expressed this to Stefano, he knows that I wish for more then to be forever stuck at home. 

Anyway, my baby Mikos is starting kindergarten in a week. I'm nervous about him leaving me but I also think I'll be able to have a little more time to focus on other things with Eli. Stefano is at work most of the day and Mikos will be at school so it'll just be Eli and I at home. 

I sat in the living room with the boys watching Finding Nemo , Mikos sat next to me practically sitting on me and Eli was in a bassinet sleeping . I decided it might be a good time to talk to Mikos.

"Mikos buddy?"

"Yay, mommy." He pulled his eyes away from the screen looking at me."

"You know, you starting school next week, right."

"Yay mommy, remember we got a backpack, pencils, crayons, folders, paper, tissues and-"

"Yeah, Yeah I know but this is a big step buddy, you'll not be at home with Eli and I all day." His face twisted in to a little smile.

"I know, but now I'll be a big boy, also no offense mommy but I kinda need more friends then you, daddy, and Eli." I laughed and ruffled his hair hugging him tight. 

"Andddd if I'm a big boy could I maybe get my own room from Eli?" I was a little surprised he wanted to be away from Eli.

"You don't want to share anymore?" I asked

"Well, I love Eli but I'm a big boy now, so I neeeeed my own room pleaseee," He pulled on my shirt begging.

"Ha, ok, ok, I'll talk to daddy about it." I laughed at his sneaky smirk. I got up and ruffling his hair and walked to the kitchen to get a snack. 

I stood at the counter putting some apple slices in 2 bowls. A spiderman themed one for Mikos and a spongebob themed one for myself. Mikos says the bowls add personality to the cabinets. Where he learned that, I don't know. 

I felt somebody grab my hips and kiss my neck lightly.

"Hello, my love, you look gorgeous." Stefano's deep voice seemed to send shiver down my spine.

"Stefano, you weren't suppose to be home yet." I turned around putting my arms around his neck kissing him softly. 

"Well, I have a surprise for you." For the first time since we met his eyes seemed to twinkle. 

"Ok well let me grab the boys." He walked with me back to the living room. Mikos noticed his dad and squealed. 

"Daddy, your home, i missed you." He jumped in Stefanos arms and kissed his dads cheek.

"Hello, my sweet boy, how are you doing today?" He hugged Mikos tight before picking up Eli and kissing his head. 

Stefano had become very comfortable with the boys, he openly showed his love towards them and loved cuddling.

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