-Chapter 12-

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It's been a couple of months since Marcie's birthday party. Zora and her family are doing well. Mikos loved school and had made plenty on new friends. The house was decorated for the holiday. Zora, with the help of several maids and staff, had decorated the house with a large tree and plenty of decor. 

Zora sat in the kitchen eating pineapple when her stomach started to hurt. For the past 3 weeks her stomach had been funny. She felt bile begin to rise and dashed to the bathroom. She threw up into the toilet and cringed as she puked up her breakfast. 

"Zora, dear?" Zora heard Ziah calling for her. he responded by retching in the toilet.

"Oh dear, are you okay?" Ziah held Zoras hair and rubbed her back.

"Yeah, sorry, I haven't been feeling well." 

"Should I schedule a doctor's appointment?" 

"Yeah, If i have a stomach bug I don't want to give it to Mikos or Eli." Zora pushed herself to stand at the sink.

"Okay, I'll go ahead and call."

Later that evening Stefano came home to see Zora working in her studio with Eli strapped to her chest.

"Hello my love, where is Mikos?"

"He is playing dinosaurs in his room." Zora kissed Stefano before turning back to her work.

"Tomorrow I would like to go on a date." Stefano said.

"Sounds wonderful, I do have a doctors appointment tomorrow." Zora said.

"What for, are you feeling okay." Stefano said worried.

"Just a checkup." Zora lied, she didn't want to worry Stefano.

"But, Ziah is off tomorrow, Who's gonna watch the kids?" Zora frowned.

"My mom, she's been wanting to spend some time with them." 

"Alright, I'd love to go on a date." Zora got closer to Stefano wrapping her arms around him, she leaned in to kiss him but not before Eli started to cry. The couple laughed and Stefano  kissed Eli's head. 

The Next Day

Zora had dropped Mikos off at school and left Eli with Ziah. She is now on her way to the doctors appointment. She arrived at a dark grey building with Dr. Ryan M. Mathin, MD on a sign in front of the building.

She entered the building giving a smile to the read headed receptionist. 

"Hello, I have an appointment, my name is Zora Eze."

"Oh yes, please sit in the waiting room, a doctor will be wife you shortly." The woman gave her a smile and showed her to a waiting room.

"Zora?" A woman popped her head out of a door. Zora stood up and walked towards the woman.


"Hi, I'm doctor Mathin.  If you'll just go in this room here." She pointed towards a room.

They both sat down in a small office. The sterile smell made Zora's head hurt.

"So what problems are we having today?" The doctor pulled up document on her computer.

"I've been having some stomach discomfort, also some mood swings." Zora explained.

"OK, we'll do a urine test and if needed we will do a blood test." The doctor handed Zora a small cup with a lid. Zora went to the bathroom and they tested her urine. 

Zora sat in the room alone enjoying the silence. As much as she loved Mikos, the boy never shut up. She heard a light knock on the door.

"So we got your results back, you do not have the flu or any sickness."

"Okay?" Zora was confused, what was it."

"Congratulations, you're pregnant."


SURPRISE! Our favorite Nigerian Fashionista is pregnant

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SURPRISE! Our favorite Nigerian Fashionista is pregnant. Find out next chapter how Stefano reacts. Thank you guys for reading. I can not believe this story is at 11,000 reads. Thank you all so much!

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