9 - Fix This

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Eli grasped my hand and pushed through the crowd of people until we were outside. One of my hands was in Eli's, and the other was on my ponytail.

Eli bent down to get to eye level, but I kept my eyes downcast. I didn't want to look at him. I was trying too hard not to start bawling. "Do you have all your stuff, Betty?"

I could feel my purse still around my shoulder and my phone in my back pocket. I nodded.

He sighed, and he continued to drag me towards his car. Once I was in the safety of his car, I let my hand go off my hair. My ponytail swung over my shoulder. Before I could protest, Eli ran his hand through my hair. I may have shivered or swooned at any other time, but now I was horrified and appalled at what had just happened.

He moved his hand away, and I leaned forward, placing my head into my palms. "What am I going to do?"

My voice was muffled and broken; I was shocked that Eli even heard me complaining.

I was the victim, something I was so afraid of becoming. My mind raced. Was there anything I could have done to change this fate? My mind kept faltering back to Eli.

"No, no, Betty, we're going to fix this."

I looked up at Eli, my face now stained with tears. I am sure my face looked blotchy and horrible. I was a mess.

"How? Half my ponytail is on the floor of that girl's kitchen." I paused. "Oh no, why did I just leave it there?"

Eli laughed, "it's not like you can glue it back on Betty." He started the car, and I did up my seatbelt.

"Shut up. No, I just left a mess in her kitchen."

Eli let out a laugh that I wasn't expecting, and I jumped. "THAT'S what you're worried about, Betty? Come on, get your priorities in order."

My face flushed in anger; I didn't need to be ridiculed right now. I leaned back in the seat and crossed my arms. "Could you please take me home, Eli."

"No, my stepmom used to be a hairdresser. We're going to my house."

I didn't know Eli had a stepmom, but I guess there was a lot I did not know about him. I glanced at him out of the corner of my eye. I was trying to figure out if there was any reality to what those girls were saying to me. Should I be worried? Being around him maybe the reason I am in this mess, but it wasn't really his fault.

It was harder to back away from him now. I didn't have anyone else. I was lonely and a little bit clingy. I would stay until he shooed me away. I sighed, and he glanced back at me. At this realization, I felt a little bit guilty. I should be better than this. Shouldn't I?

"Eli, it's okay. You don't have to help me."

I did not want to be a burden.

Eli didn't even reply, he just gave me a disgusted look and kept driving.

It took longer to get to Eli's house than I thought it would, but we didn't talk the rest of the car ride, so maybe it just seemed a little longer.

From what I heard about Eli, I wasn't expecting the house we pulled up to.

We pulled up to a large gate. The house behind it looked large and daunting, like the one you'd see in a movie. I glanced at Eli. This didn't seem real. His jaw was tight when I went to ask him about the house, so I figured maybe I should keep my mouth shut.

I could not figure this boy out.

We parked outside the house, and I followed Eli inside. The door slid open nicely. It doesn't creak like I was expecting from a door this large.

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