18 - I Wanted To

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Taylor was adorably nervous on Wednesday. Both about hanging out with Jones and about Owen finding out. I was glad that Eli and Owen had team bonding after practice tonight because that meant a less likely chance of Owen showing up and figuring out that something fishy was happening between Taylor and Jones.

I completely supported their relationship, however small it may be at this point, but I suspect there must be more than Taylor is not telling me. Why would Owen be so against Taylor dating one of his friends? They seemed like the kind of twins who told each other everything, so I hoped that if anything happened tonight, Taylor would own up to it. I don't think hiding anything from Owen was going to be helpful.

They were just so close, and I was envious of their sibling relationship. I would have loved to have someone like that to grow up beside.

We were going bowling at 5 PM, so Taylor and I had time to get ready.

I was going to be driving Taylor and Jones was going to be meeting us there. None of the other boys knew where we were going tonight unless Jones had told them. I am glad Eli had not asked because I would have felt guilty lying to him even if it was about something silly like this.

"Okay, what do you think of this?" Taylor asked, turning around. She was wearing a pair of her flared jeans that she brought with her and a neon crop top from my collection.

I had no issues sharing my clothes with her. The whole point of what I like to do is have clothes that everyone can enjoy. Unfortunately, due to our height differences, most of my pants don't fit Taylor, but I think most of the shopping collection would, and she can comfortably wear my tops.

"Damn, girl!" I said. She looked perfect. She had her hair in two side braids and was wearing a bandana. She looked like a 70s/80s mixed queen.

"Is it too much?" she asked me. On a regular bowling trip, maybe it was, but I wanted her to feel confident.

I laughed, "You know what, I will wear something outlandish, and then anything you wear will look normal."

She grinned, "I love that and you."

I ended up wearing a matching purple set with flare pants from the 70s. Taylor giggled, "You do look hot, though, Betty."

I smiled. "I'll wear this, but only if we can take some cute pictures together!"

Taylor agreed with me, "hey, if Jones can't deal with us taking pictures, then I might as well give up on him now."

My dad all but applauded our style when we came downstairs. "YES! PERFECT! This is exactly what I need. This is perfect, ladies!"

Taylor looked between my dad and me, utterly confused, but I knew exactly what he was going on about since he did this to me a lot.

We didn't have to leave for another thirty minutes, so we agreed that my dad could take us outside to get some cute pictures with his newest piece.

Taylor laughed when she realized that my dad wanted us to take pictures next to a large Coca Cola sign that my dad had just acquired for the store.

"Perfect!" He said, looking at the pictures. "Thank you, ladies!"

Taylor was laughing, "has your life always been one big photoshoot?"

In response, I showed her my dad's store's Instagram, and she scrolled through many years of pictures of me in fun outfits, posed with new pieces. His Instagram had way more followers than mine did, even though every third photo was of me.

"Wow," Taylor said while scrolling through.

"Weird?" I asked, cringing slightly.

She looked up at me, holding me back my phone, "not at all! I am jealous! Why have you never thought of modelling professionally?"

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