22 - A Success

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I woke up without help in the morning, and I had not expected my morning to feel this easy. I thought I would need someone to at least shake my shoulders for me to crawl out of bed.

However, it did help that I could smell bacon through the vents.

I guess my mom had decided that a big greasy breakfast was just what we needed. I wondered if it was mostly for my benefit? I did not feel too hungover, but I am sure the grease would ease my aching stomach.

My mom was in a great mood when I made it downstairs until she saw the cut on my forehead. "Betty! What the hell happened?" She asked, rushing towards me with the critical eye of a nurse.

I ducked her advances. I did not feel like having chemicals placed on my cut so early in the morning. I am sure it was fine without it. "Mom, I am fine, I promise! I just got hit by a door at the party."

My mom was not too much taller than me, but she had a much firmer grip that I did, and when she managed to get a hold of my head, I was not going to get away easily.

"Hmmm, well, that must have been one nasty door."

I groaned as she prodded at my forehead, "it looks okay, but if you put makeup on it, let me clean it later, okay?"

I nodded, and she finally let go of me, moving to make me a plate of the delicious smelling food. "Nothing else happened, right?"

"No other cuts!" I assured her. It was easier to say that than lying about nothing else happening, because this way, I was technically telling her the truth. I just left out the part about a boy trying to kiss me, and Eli beating him to a pulp. She didn't need to know that.

Dad had already eaten and left by the time that I had made it downstairs. He had to leave super early to prepare for the store opening. Mom and I were planning to show up an hour before the mall opened, so at 10 AM, which gave me an hour to shower and get ready.

After eating and thanking my mom, I hurried upstairs and hopped in the shower.

I probably should have showered before going downstairs because the cleaner I became, the more I realized how much I had smelt like alcohol. I am sure my mom would have said something if she thought it was a big deal. Once I felt like a sixteen-year-old again and not a college student, I put on a cute dress and enough makeup to cover the redness on my forehead and the bags under my eyes.

I put my hair up in a ponytail before I ran out the door, making sure to grab my camera. I know that dad would want some good pictures of the event. My mom made sure we had everything from the house before we rushed over in my car.

We arrived just before 10 AM, and I started setting up some picture areas while my mom set up a free refreshment table.

My dad gave his team a pep talk before 11 AM hit. He was glowing, sure that this would be a hit.

He held my mom and my hands as he opened the door at 11 AM.

Taylor and Owen were there right at the front. Big grins on their faces.

Taylor was hungover, as she was wearing giant sunglasses, but she was still here. I almost teared up, realizing what amazing people I had found. They were holding large bouquets. Taylor handed some to my dad, and he engulfed her in a hug. Owen gave my mom some as well, and she did the same to him.

"I'm so glad you've made such amazing friends so quickly, Betty," My mom whispered in my ear as Owen and Taylor walked away, exploring the store.

"Yeah, me too," I whispered to my mum, staying at the front with her to greet others in the store.

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