Chapter Eleven

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It had taken days for Draco to come out of his shell after the potions incident. He was absolutely mortified that his own godfather, someone that although strict had never been outright cruel to him, could be so callous to a first year- not to mention Harry freaking Potter and his best friend. It was coaxing from Padma and a nervous smile from Neville (The newest addition to their blossoming friendship circle) that lead the mouthy blonde to the door of Professor Snape's office, incensed that his Godfather should apologise to Harry, pride allowing it, or at least stave of the scathing remarks about his friend.
By the time he had reached the door, Draco felt butterflies burst into life in the pit of his stomach. He hadn't spoken to Severus since he had started the term and was worried he would no longer be treated with the same regard. Steeling himself, he rapped twice on the tall door and waited with bated breath.

'Enter.' He heard Snape's voice drawl from inside, and the boy cracked open the door.
'Uncle Sev?' The professor was at his desk marking papers, and he looked up to greet his Godson.
'Draco, what an unexpected surprise. Come in, and shut the door behind you.' Draco timidly walked into the room, Malfoy features carefully schooled into a cool expression. The door closed with a small 'click' and suddenly he didn't have much to say. 'For Harry.' He reminded himself, remembering the forlorn face of the raven-haired boy after he had left potions. 'He deserves better.'
'I was wondering why you don't like Harry very much.' The blonde said quietly, finding the knotted wood of the polished desk suddenly very interesting.
'Potter?' the older man sneered, leaning back in his plush chair. 'why do you want to know about Potter?'
'Because!' Draco huffed indignantly, 'He hadn't done anything wrong- and he's my... friend.'

'Potter is as arrogant as spoiled as his father was,' Snape retorted, 'He deserves to be taken down a peg.'
'Down a peg? Down a peg?!' Draco stood, fists clenched. 'He grew up in the cupboard under the stairs in his aunt's house- that's spoiled to you?!' he looked the potions master right in the eye, irate and upset on behalf of the first friend that his father hadn't bought, perhaps this was the true meaning of Slytherin loyalty. 'Actually, I don't want to know the answer, my father is going to hear about this.' and with that, Draco stormed out, leaving the door ajar so Snape had to actively close it.

Hopefully, Harry's life will be just a little easier now.


Harry woke up the following morning slightly nervous. He had a flying lesson that day with the Slytherins, which was great for spending time with Draco, but he was terrified of making a fool of himself. Magic had never let him fly, he had never even owned a broom. He pulled on his robes, the first to rise as he had become accustomed to, and sat on the edge of his bed.

'Ouro I'm scared.'
'Scared Speaker? Of what? I will crush it with pleasure.'
'It's not a thing you can crush, silly snake,' the Ravenclaw chuckled, forgetting about his worried for a moment 'I'm worried I'm going to be made a fool out of today. I've never ridden a broom before.' The serpent's amber eyes bore into the boy's, thin slits portraying a sombre expression.
'Are you, or are you not, my speaker?'
'Of course I am!'
'And of course, you know I'd eat anyone who dared besmirch the name of my speaker- yes?'
'I mean, I suppose.'
'Then you have nothing to worry about.' Ouroboros rubbed his nose along Harry's cheek. 'why don't you introduce me to your hatchmates this morning? I'm sure that would... keep them in line.' He did that funny, wheezy laugh again, and burrowed into the boy's neck.

Lewis screamed when Harry opened his curtains, wondering how in the name of Merlin and Morganna (and all the stars that ever were and ever will be) he had managed to keep that dirty great snake a secret from literally everyone in the school?!
'Is it? I mean, can I? Does it bite?' Harry grinned, unwinding his serpent from his perch on his shoulders,
'Only when I ask him. His name is Ouroboros.' Phillip looked over from his spot, lounging on the loveseat by the window of the dormitory.
'The snake that eats itself. An old magical symbol for Salazar Slytherin.' Harry nodded, impressed with the random facts the other boy always seemed to come out with.

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