Chapter Fourteen - Bonus

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Red. Hair. The boy had RED HAIR. How had he managed to break the glamour? Albus paced in his office, chewing furiously on a lemon drop. Fawkes looked on disinterested, watching the old man weave his own destruction. It was carefully constructed and so subtle that he knew that someone dangerous had undone it. Someone threatening his plans.

It was clearly Lord Voldemort.

But what would Lord Voldemort want by breaking a glamour on the Boy who Lived? How would he even get into Hogwarts' impenetrable wards? He couldn't have done it under the nose of the Great Albus Dumbledore! Or perhaps, a more troubling thought, the boy had done it himself. Yes! Maybe the boy was just that powerful that he had broken the glamour as accidental magic! What a formidable tool he would be one day. He was glad for the time the glamour had lasted. Looking so much like James had made Petunia and Severus resent him, and that was all he needed. Albus Dumbledore stopped pacing and slumped into his chair. Fawkes trilled in mock sympathy.

Around his cluttered office the portraits of the previous headmasters and mistresses muttered to themselves, discussing just how far the once great Hogwarts had sunk under the tutelage of the 'Great' Albus Dumbledore.

Oh how far they had fallen.


Severus nearly gasped at Potter's boy as he walked into his classroom with neat curly RED hair. He could almost be mistaken for a pitiful Weasley but it was too dark by a couple shades. This was Lily's hair. Was it a trick? Did the brat do this to torment him in his grief? Parade around Lily's sacrifice to push him from the school and back into mourning? It seemed more natural to his features, the clear Potter curls distinct from his memory of Lily's pin straight hair. Not a trick then. The Potions master doubled his occlumency- just in case- and forced himself through the lecture with added venom at the Ravenclaws. Red hair. How curious indeed.


"Harry! How come your hair is red?"

"O-oh My muggle hair dye washed off."


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