Chapter Fourteen

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Harry's entire body hurt when he woke up the following morning. Each of his muscles had a throbbing ache and bruises from undodged Bludgers littered his lithe form. Patting around for his glasses, Harry struggled upright, wincing at the effort. He spotted a small jar of bruise paste on his bedside table, unsure if it was a plucky house elf, Davies, feeling guilty for near murdering a firstie or his mother. He swiped it anyway, slathering the thick grey substance on the worst areas and searching for Ouro in the wrinkled blue sheets.

'Ouro!' he called, giving up his search when he realised any of the lumps in the bedding could be his faithful familiar.

'Good morning speaker!' Ouro, as it turned out, was under the pillows not the duvet, and if his hands weren't covered in paste, he would have smacked his head with annoyance for missing something so obvious. After a brief assessment of his wizard, Ouro reared his head back and bared his fangs aggressively. 'Who dared to fight you like some common meal Speaker?! They will pay with blood and flesh!' It took a confused minute of silence before Harry realised he did, in fact, look like he had been in a fight.

'Don't worry Ouro, nobody fought me, I was training for Quidditch.'

'The Bird game? I dislike birds very much speaker. If you would ask it, I shall eat the poultry, so you have no competition.' Harry grinned at the serpent as he wound around his arm lazily.

'That's not necessary Ouro, don't worry. I can eat them myself.'

'Good. You must show dominance over the winged beasts. A particularly nasty one devoured my brother in the nest. I found him many seasons later and delivered my most potent venom.'

'Wonderful story, but I think I want my breakfast before I lose my appetite.' Harry grimaced and forced his joints to propel him to the bathroom. A nice hot shower and a change of robes would do him a world of good. Ouroboros didn't want for long, he cared for little else but his master and his meals, so set off to find the biggest and fattest rats he could. Only the best for the great Ouroboros.


It was early when Harry set off for the Great Hall. He wanted to speak to Lady Magic in peace, without having to rush off to grab a meal, or be bothered by well meaning friends. His mother seemed busy of late, the link between them, although still pleasantly warm, far cooler than before.

The tables were empty, save a couple of seventh years smattered around the house tables, probably desperately studying for their NEWTS. Harry grabbed a few slices of toast, eating them as quickly as he could so he could leave. At the other end of the table was Justin, angrily stabbing a sausage with a fork. He had tried several times to make friends with the stormy eyed boy, but each attempt was harshly rebuffed, the last one accompanied by a stinging hex only stopped by a hasty shield Harry didn't even know he could do. He wondered what he had done to upset Justin, was it Ouroboros? His friendship with Draco? His scar? As if he could hear Harry's thoughts, Justin looked up from the opposite bench, only to glare at the black-haired boy which as much anger as an eleven-year-old could muster, and go back to stabbing his meal. Breakfast, Harry thought to himself, was over for him. He left the hall quick, settling down in a small alcove after checking the time with a quick tempus charm. Only 6:30. He had plenty of time to speak to mother. With the ease of practice Harry flattened himself against the stone walls and plucked out his journal, staring intently at the pages as they swirled into inky black.

He could never get use to the feeling of nothing. A complete absence of the smallest of physical sense was always slightly unnerving, especially when used to the draughty and cold halls of Hogwarts castle.

'Mother?' He called, patiently waiting for her figure to emerge from the abyss. It took longer than normal, and Harry was biting his lip with nerves. There was always the voice in the back of his head, one that suspiciously sounded like Petunia Dursley, that told him everyone he cherished would abandon him, much like his parents. But Harry knew better. He waited. And his patience was rewarded when Lady Magic scooped him up in a flurry of cerulean robes and kisses.

'My Ward! Your presence here is always a gift!' Harry giggled, allowing himself the childish curtesy in the complete privacy of the void.

'Blue robes today? I thought you preferred Green?' Magic's pleasant features smiled warmly, small dimples forming on her rosy cheeks.

'House pride my little Ravenclaw! I remember when Hogwarts was built. Rowena Ravenclaw was a child of Magic, my protégé. I shall ask Death, but I am sure she is proud of you too!' The small boy blushed, wringing his hands out in a sudden bout of shyness from the overwhelming praise.

'Death? Is he a being too?'

'Aye. He had been watching you intently. As has Destiny and Time. Fate, Life and Love are apparently busy running the universe, but they care a great deal too. We are your family.'

'How come I haven't met them?'

'It is a great strain for even a half-mortal being to accept the strain of meeting us. I had to make sure you could physically handle it, and by Yule you shall be.'

'could I meet them over Yule?' He asked, vibrating with excitement. His family! He had a family that wasn't just mother. Beings who cherished and cared, that watched him out of love not spite or duty. He felt warm all over. Lady Magic smiled again, but in a flash her face fell.

'My childe, I'm afraid I must warn you of a terrible danger now. Quirrell, your defence professor? Be wary my love, he is not who he says he is. He is a beast most foul.' Harry's eyes widened in surprise.

'Quirrell? But he's so...' his face scrunched as he tried to find the correct words. 'timid. He's nothing like Snape.'

'I have seen the transgressions of your potions master. They are easily overcome.' With a tap of a pointed finger on his head, Lady Magic turned her back to Harry. She produced an ornate mirror out of nowhere, turning around to show Harry's now more orderly and slightly reddish curls.

'It did not occur to me before but when you were a mere babe, certain protections and glamours were put in place. I did not think to check on them until I realised Severus' problem with you. You no longer resemble your father. As it should be. You never truly did.'

'Why would someone do that? Who did it?' She only hummed thoughtfully.

'Why indeed. Perhaps the Machinations of a bumbling bee run deeper than I previously thought. Merry day to you ward, it is time you leave my home for now, you have ten minutes to get to class.' Harry nodded, the feeling of a light breeze on his ankles, and the freezing stone his back was pressed against returning to him faintly.

'I will heed your warning Mother. Merry day.'

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