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I should have gone to college.

Instead of joining One Direction on tour as my first stupid and impulsive decision that most teens were already making years prior, I should have just gone to some stupid college that everyone hypes up because of their mediocre football team with an undecided major. I would have had plenty of time to figure out what I wanted to study and do with my life.

Now I've been laying in my bedroom trying to figure out what to do with my life but for completely different reasons.

The only good thing to come from my trip to Charles and Celia's is that I've been reunited with all of my favorite books that I left here two summers ago, because I had no idea I wouldn't be coming back. In the past two weeks, I haven't left the house or come out of my room much for that matter, simply laying in bed and reliving the happy memories I have with books such as In Watermelon Sugar by Richard Brautigan. If things between Charles and I were bad before, they're on another level of awful now.

For reference, the only way I'll ever speak to him again is if Hell freezes over. I can't help but wonder if he used to hit my mom and I was just too naive and stuck in my own head worrying about my own insignificant problems to see it.

My mother was finally able to go home about a week ago just like Harry and I hoped she would be. The paparazzi abandoned their posts about three days after our scuffle in the front yard with nothing but photos and headlines about how I'm nothing but a mystery to the world, and that's exactly how I plan to keep it.

The job hunt hasn't been going too well for Jane, but we're both still holding out hope. Harry promised to help with whatever she might need once the interview money runs dry which shouldn't for awhile, but my mom is still thankful to him nonetheless, and so am I.

I'm starting to feel stupid for not going to him in the first place, but I always tend to let my anger get the best of me, especially now that I seem to be feeling that emotion a lot more than I used to.

"I think I want to go back to school," Jane shouts over the phone from her place in the kitchen making some form of pasta that she informed me about earlier in the call.

"What for?" I say into the speaker of the phone that lies in the palm of my right hand while the left drops the needle of my record player onto an old vinyl.

"Maybe psychology," she yells excitedly over the dull hum of the music she always likes to blare through the house when she cooks. "I've always liked the idea of being a counselor or maybe even a therapist."

Jumping onto the bed, I land on my stomach and start flipping through a book to find my favorite part so I can reread it for the millionth time. "That's really great, Mom," I smile, rolling onto my side and sitting up with the book in one hand and my phone in the other.

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