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"Harry, I-"

"Ow!" He suddenly shouts, face scrunching up in pain as my eyes barely register the white blur colliding with the side of his head.

Our bodies fly apart, the moment forgotten along with my newly built up courage. Both of us turning to look at the attacker, Harry rubbing the throbbing side of his head, we are met with Kendall and the rest of the gang. My eyes slowly fall to watch as the Stormtrooper helmet she must have chucked at him rolls across the ground before coming to a stop.

Gigi motions me over to stand with them, however I'm hesitant to go seeing as Harry and I can't stop meeting each other's eyes awkwardly, whatever spell that was cast over us officially broken.

"Take some pictures of us Mr. Bigshot," Kendall commands, holding her phone out to Harry. He scoffs and furrows his brows before bending down to pick up the helmet. When he comes back up, a hand runs through his hair, irritation clearly etched into his features.

"Why would I do that after you just attacked me?" Harry questions bleakly in the midst of the party raging around us.

"Because you cheated on me, so you kind of owe me for life."

That's one way to put it.

With small chuckles falling over some and a strange awkwardness falling over the rest that has never been there before, I scurry over to the group of girls as Harry reluctantly begins taking pictures of us all that he seems absolutely overjoyed to be taking. Maybe if the timing hadn't been so bad he would be a little more enthusiastic. I can't really say I blame him. I'm kind of annoyed too.

After trying to work up the courage for months now, I finally found just enough to seize the moment that kept running away from me, but in the blink of an eye, it washed away, and there's no telling when or if it will find me again.

For the remainder of the night, the closeness Harry and I shared shifted to separation. Despite still dancing within the same group of people, a divide formed where he would only stay close with Kacey and Caroline, shying away anytime I would grow near.

Part of me wonders if the spell I somehow managed to put him under for our short amount of time together was really just that... a spell.

Or perhaps he knew exactly what I was going to say before we were interrupted, and the simple thought of being confronted with it scared him off. Either way, I know I have to try again.

Somehow, our small group managed to disperse slowly and one by one. As the party began to fizzle out thanks to sleepy eyes, drunk minds, and loss of interest, my group of unlikely friends vanished along with it which only left me in a similar situation as when we first arrived.

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