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   I thought burying my mother would be the hard part, but I'm just now realizing how dreadfully wrong I was. Harry walked my swaying body through the door only thirty minutes ago, mind still reeling from being confronted by Bennett and realizing that he now has the ability to come near me anytime he wants, but that is the least of my problems.

   Cleaning out her things, fresh scent of gardenias still present throughout it all, and then having to put the house for sale is what worries me. The thought of having to sit on the floor of her room and put her clothes in boxes along with everything else she held dear, only to end up in the hands of someone sifting through a Goodwill rack is what makes me nauseous again, dread filling my veins.

   Liam, Louis, and Niall left for the airport to get on a flight to Cardiff as soon as we left the funeral, but Harry's flight doesn't leave for a few more hours seeing as he wants to stay with me a little bit longer. I don't mind, but it's only delaying the inevitable pain I'll feel the moment he leaves.

   "I can help you start packing if you want. We can probably get a lot done before I have to leave," Harry mentions somberly with a pained face that he's trying to hide behind a content mask, but is completely failing thanks to his eyes. He misses her just as much as me.

   "No, that's okay," I shrug him off with a tight lipped smirk, eyes cold. His face falls along with the slouching of his shoulders, and I instantly know I've upset him. "Just go shower and get changed. You look cold."

   Moving forward slowly, I press a light kiss to his lips, placing my hand to his cheek before rubbing my thumb along the soft skin soothingly. I try to reassure him with my eyes and small nod of my head that I'll be fine sorting through Jane's things on my own and that I really need him to just listen to me. He seems to understand when he pushes his cheek into the palm of my hand, puckering his lips and placing a kiss there that sends chills down my spine that make it hard to pull away from his warmth, but I do it anyway.

   When I turn my back, I feel the weight of actually having to do this alone fall to my shoulders, and I can't help but physically slump, water droplets pooling together at the hem of my dress and falling in puddles at my feet. My hair sticks to my back and falls flat on my head, chills racing through me and arising in the form of chill bumps down my arms.

   "I'm sorry," Harry blurts suddenly. "I'm sorry for how I acted back there. I- I didn't mean to scare you. I just couldn't bare the thought of letting him near you after how much pain he's caused."

   "I know, baby. I know," I promise him, but when I try to smile, I can't find one for I fear I've forgotten how.

   Parting ways, Harry heads to the only bathroom in the house, and I head to my room, changing from my dress and throwing the black material in the trash, because it's ruined but mostly because I never want to lay eyes on it again. I change into nothing but a massive t-shirt and let my wet hair continue hanging loosely in my face with no energy to do much else.

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